Holy Nights Celebration ~ Archangel Gabriel through Shanta Gabriel

Lia's picture

angels of light




The celebration of the Holy Nights, or the Twelve Nights of Christmas is observed in many cultures. It can be celebrated as an Inner Journey one takes to give birth to the sun within our being in order to illuminate the darkness. The Holy Nights begin in the season of winter in the Northern Hemisphere when the forces of Nature have withdrawn into the earth. Outwardly, there is usually snow and coldness, a stillness that is not available at other more active times of the year. This mirrors a longing for inner peace that is not easily available in a western, outwardly material culture.

Symbolically the midnight sun is the dwelling place at the heart of the Mother, the golden sphere at the center, sometimes called Shamballah. In the mystery school traditions, the rite of initiation often entailed a meditation to bring forth this vision of the golden light at the center of the earth. It is humanity’s task to bring light to the Earth at this time. Through our loving deeds, Nature is sanctified and healed so the Earth is helped in its evolution.

Archangel Gabriel is the Regent of Winter. He is God’s Harbinger of New Birth streaming the awakening spiritual forces to humanity.

During the celebration of the Holy Nights, the windows of the heavens are open so it is possible to see your potential in a new way. The veils are lifted between Heaven and Earth. The Archangels are free to create a chorus of revelation and complete knowledge is possible. The Archangels watch over the welfare of nations and communities. During the 12 Nights, the Archangels create an unbroken circle of brotherhood, and all nationalities disappear. It is a demonstration of future possibilities for true Peace on Earth. Pay special attention to your dreams during this time as they can become prophetic.

Each night is highlighted at sundown with the lighting of a special color candle. There is also a sign of the zodiac, a virtue to be intended for the New Year, and a spiritual hierarchy to be honored. If desired, the 12 previous months can be explored for the lessons learned and the accomplishments achieved. We will literally be giving birth to a new world through our love and honoring of the earth and the stars. This creates a beautiful ladder from Heaven to Earth through this observance of the Etheric Forces of Creation.

Through the sacred time of the 12 Holy Nights, we have entered into the Mystery Center as an initiation experience with the heart of the Earth. In meditation, perhaps we have perceived the Golden Midnight Sun through the window between the Solar/Lunar calendar, a precious space given to us when the veils drop between the dimensions.

During this time the Archangels have been creating a chorus of Revelation offering us knowledge that is only possible during the Holy Nights. All nationalities have disappeared as the Archangels have created an unbroken circle of Brotherhood within all beings. They are offering us this image as a vision for the future.

We have been gifted with the ability to see in a new way during this Space of Holiness. Our Spirit has been able to revitalize during our dream time, and our Soul has brought resolution to many areas in our lives. We can now travel with our Archangel into the Heart of the Earth and up to the Spiritual Realms. With all these gifts we can then receive Epiphany, a new ability to perceive our world and ourselves from a spiritual vantage point and begin this new year of Awakening Life refreshed, renewed, and recharged by the Divine within us.

January 1

On this night, we honor Cancer, the image of the Crab, with the flexible rib cage protecting the heart and lungs, our soft inner center. The constellation with a star cluster shaped like a beehive, cooperative community honoring the female. The Virtue is Selflessness leading to inner awakening. The spiritual beings are the Cherubim – the spirits of Harmony, the music of the spheres. The inspiration behind great composers and the harmony in all of Creation.

We light a candle of green tonight and remember April. We offer the following prayers:

With Love we turn to the Comic Beings in the realm of Cancer,
Awakening sensitivity, nurturing the capacity of empathy.
We receive from you the great teaching that
Selflessness – through catharsis – awakens consciousness,
Resulting in purity of heart and soul.

Cherubim, Spirits of Harmony, who dwell in the brightness whose shadow is our air; whose breath is the harmony of the spheres, let us behold you.


January 2

On this night we honor Gemini, the twins who long for community. They represent our two arms. The Virtue is Perseverance to fulfill our Soul’s destiny leading us to True Faith. The hierarchy is Seraphim, the masters of Love streaming Love throughout the Universe. We can ask to become a vessel of Love, allow ourselves to be filled with the never-ending supply and feel gratitude.

Lighting a Yellow Candle, we remember  the month of March. The following prayers are offered:

With Love we turn to the Cosmic Beings in the realm of Gemini,
Uniting the community of humanity in the warmth of love.
We receive from you the great teaching that
Faithful is she who, by working ceaselessly to make something of herself,
Fulfills what she owes the world and the people linked with her by destiny.

Seraphim, Spirits of Divine Love, whose love is so swift that in seeing God’s thought, it is wrought already, let us behold you.

January 3

On this Holy Night we light the Orange Candle honoring the Holy Spirit. We remember February and the sign of Taurus where Balance leads to Progress. The Virtue is Balance within you of Soul, Body and Spirit. It is also Balance of our Outer Work with our Inner Life which leads us to forward progress in our Soul’s progression. Within the hierarchy of the Divine Spirit is the beginning of our ability to Love God as the Creator of all things.

With Love we turn to the Cosmic Beings in the realm of  Taurus, Bearers of the power of the Word, Bestowing the gift of speech and the capacity of hearing. We receive from you the great teaching that Inner Balance of the Soul leads to world attunement, manifesting in progress on the spiritual path.

Holy Spirit, who is the fire of love streaming forth from the Fountainhead of Creation ~ Let us receive you. Through you, may we grow from receiving to giving, serving the fulfillment of Love on the Earth.


January 4

On this day we light the Red candle honoring Christ and Sophia – Divinity in Sacred Masculine and Feminine form. We remember January and the sign of Aires.  The image of the Lamb of God. The Virtue of Devotion leading to self-sacrifice. Contemplation of the Christ bringing Spirit Light to the Earth.

With love we turn to the Cosmic Beings in the realm of Aries, who instill uprightness and the power of thinking, Pouring forth the fountain of Divine Love. We receive from you the great teaching that Devotion leads to the power of self-sacrifice, serving human evolution.

Christed One, Spirit of Eternal Love, bearer of the evolution of the Earth and humanity ~ abide in us, that we, through Thee, may serve the fulfillment of Earth evolution.


January 5

On this night of Holy Epiphany, we light the candle of  transcendent Gold, representing the Highest Light, circling stars, Divine Father and Mother – the foundation of all Creation. We have created the whole circle, a spiral of encircling stars. All the Virtues are now integrated through the force of Divine Love.

We now see the year as a whole and have prepared the foundation for the coming year. The Holy Wholeness of ascending stages of world consciousness allow us to unite with a true Spiritual Reality, Oneness with All Life.

With love we turn to the Eternal Being Who crowns the heavens with stars, whose Infinite Love streams through the cosmos, bearing the divine essence of creation, Through the expanse of space, into the core of the Earth, and entering the depths of our inner being.

Transcendent and Immanent One, Seed and Source of the Universe, guide us that we may serve Thy Will.


May you each find the sacred place within yourself that allows you to perceive with the eyes and ears of the Divine. You are gathering in community with many who share your perceptions and will work with you in transcendent and holy ways. You are not alone.

Know that there is New Life Awakening within your heart that will bless each day of 2014 with Abundant Love, Wellness and Deep Spiritual Harmony.

And so it is.

In Gratitude, Shanta Gabriel





David Porter's picture

Why do you claim that this is "channeled?"

What happen to your prediction of Dec, 12st, that you placed on Dec, 12th?

The cabals are not the only ones that my people are waking up to.

May the candle light meditations do for you what you intend the do for the people.

David Porter

Author of the series