~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion 5-12 January

Eddie1177's picture

Beloved Ones,

We are moving into a time of accelerated changes and it will be a time of much information being given that will have humanity reeling from trying to comprehend what is occurring. The mainstream media will be involved in the dissemination of much of this material. It is the wake up call to all the inhabitants of the Earth and many lights will turn on within the hearts and souls of awakening humanity. This is a time for which you have been prepared and your calmness and equilibrium will be very necessary in keeping the balance in Earth’s energy field as the people cope to understand.

Many of you will start to remember the reason and purpose of your presence here on Earth and you will continue to quietly go about doing your light work each day without notice or fanfare. Such has always been the case with our ground crew and this has helped each of you stay unnoticed and rather invisible. This, in the times ahead, will begin to change – for you, the lightworkers of the world, will become more noticeable by the light that you emit and those around you will wonder what it is that is different in your countenance. When each of you are emitting the frequencies of love and joy, peace and harmony, people cannot help but be affected and will respond in many different ways, depending on the level of understanding they possess.

Practicing alchemical magic through the spoken word will become ever more important as this work is a focus that is creatively powered by persistent intention and repetition. Many more of you are coming to realize the importance of the daily adherence to these efforts, for you are seeing and experiencing the results that are manifesting in the world around you now. Be in the present moment as much as possible and take care of your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. You must care for and love yourselves first before you can give to others and this aspect of self awareness of your role in this life upon the planet is imperative. Do the best that you can in each moment and trust that you will receive the guidance and promptings that are needed for your next step.

Most of you are now able to hold more energy and as the last of the distorted patterns are released and dissolved from within you, you are able to absorb, assimilate and integrate more light than ever before. Each of you is a mighty powerhouse that can accomplish much good on the planet by your disciplined focus on the tasks that come before you. You always have been and will continue to be guided by your Family of Light in order to receive and experience the highest outcome for the highest good of all. There is not one of you that walk this world alone, in fact, most of you would be in shock to discover how many beings walk with you through your daily lives here on Earth.

Try to attune to our presence each day and make the time for solitary contemplation and communion. The very air around you is teeming with life forms of the higher dimensional kind. As you attune to nature you will receive knowledge, encouragement and guidance on the best way forward. Sometimes all that is needed is just to be where you are, for your presence in that area is fulfilling a higher purpose. Be the impartial and detached observer of the signs around you and follow the promptings in your heart. You are safe, you are loved and you are always protected. Maintain a calm demeanor within and without and like the magical and golden child of the universe that you are, the way before you will automatically open when the timing is right.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.





David Porter's picture

How on Earth do You expect us to have any concern of the "very air around us teeming with life forms of higher dimensions" when the air around us is filled with Radiation. 

You and the alleged "Teams" of Ascended Ones promised us down here intervention year before last, 2012, NOW would be a good time for that for us if you in fact "Who" you and Marlene claim or think you to be, our welcome mat for your promise is open by request.

Thank you for your support.

David Porter

Author of the series


Focus on the good.

IAMSHE2244's picture

Why do I feel it is always you I run into that my subconscious is drawn to tell you to stop pulling out such damn negativity and realize what they're really trying to say here. We get this beautiful message that really helps some, and there you are again searching the soul for "what more can I get" "what is not going on here" well, I'll tell you, you will never be pleased that way. You will never find the good, focusing on the bad. As much as it's easier said than done, let go. Of all that doesn't serve your divine happiness. It's in the right hands now, that's clear for some to see. Including me. They will take care of things as they are, and postings of all the "bad things" like radiation aren't always, made of truth. Sometimes amped for ratings or for sheer purpose of steering away from the truth. Just as you seek the "what not" it can be sought there. People just train their minds to believe that more. Trust deep within. I want to believe your within isn't so negative. 



David Porter's picture

Thank you for that blast of fresh air. One other last year thought me to be coming on very strong and in a negative manor by challenging the fake boasters of gifts to the half blind "Lightworkers."  But now she/he thinks that I had the insight then to what it has become without the promised interventions.

My teenage at the time son said, "dad, this is BS, these ones have promised time and again and no delivery"

If you would like to be "steered" to the truth" and you don't live in Japan or the west coast of the USA, I invite you to take a short visit there to verify for yourself the truth of what is now destroying Mother Earth's surface along with all Her life-forms.

For some additional Enlightenment on me, I live in a nearly constant state of peacefulness if not bliss on a daily basis. I am content within myself. I held back on this debunking until my guides came through in full force to make this awareness come out to my people. Those that can hear this are listening and now begin to test, seek and knock on these doors of so many alleged ones that "channel" of Intel from on High.

Lies, deceit, dissinfo, promises of gifts that never show are not the ways of the real Teams of Star Families, they are the ways of the cabals.

I discredit them, you discredit me for it, so there you have it, we both have a log in our eye, let the ones without intent to control us be the first to throw the next stone. But my log in eye is for the people no matter what the cabals factions do to me. MY PEOPLE WILL BE SET FREE with or without my two cents, but as long as I have a penny I will spend it on the people in-spite of any personal reputation that I carry with it.

What others think of me is none of my business.

This message is as authentic to the truth of how to be supported in the energies that be as any I've heard. I will come on strong from time to time, that's the human ego, that is somewhat under "MY" influence. I approve this message.

PS: I Love Hilarion, the real ONE~

David Porter

Author of the series