Benjamin Fulford Update 1-7-14 ” Final offensive against cabal continues”

Lia's picture


benjamin_fulford_smile_smirk20 Final offensive against cabal continues, resistance fading but nasty incidents still possible *
Posted by benjamin, January 7, 2014

In order to make the year 2014 the year of final defeat for the fascist Sabbatean cabal, relentless pressure has to continue to be applied until their final defeat is certain. Over the New Year’s holidays US militia types, Italian P2 lodge honchos, pentagon officials, CIA officials and others made it clear in contacts to the White Dragon Society that they intend to do just that.

The problem many face is that they do not know specifically where to direct their anger or legal action. For that reason the first newsletter of 2014 will try to pinpoint some specific individuals and organizations that need to be removed from power and influence.

For example, one obvious soft target is the Sulzberger family that owns the New York Times. By refusing to write the truth or let their reporters write the truth about murder of close to 3000 New York residents on September 11, 2001, they made themselves criminal accessories to mass murder. Forcing them to start reporting the truth about that event would be one way to break the corporate media denial about this atrocity.

Other media moguls who can be found criminally guilty as accessories to mass murder include Walt Disney chairman Michael Eisner, Time Warner chairman Gerald Levin, Viacom head Sumner Redstone and Washington Post head Katherine Meyer Graham. These people need to be told in no uncertain terms to either start reporting the truth or go to jail; if judicial authorities are too corrupt to act, the extra-judicial action is justified. ,

Then there is a group of known terrorist masterminds including former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Pentagon advisor Richard Perle and other top neocons such as William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman and Robert Kagan. These men are a menace to humanity and need to be removed.

These are just a few examples of the sort of people who no decent civilized nation should allow to be free. From a military and strategic point of view, in addition to this, to liberate the United States from Sabbatean mafia fascist control the following actions are required

[*Kp note: according to this link, Ben said it was okay to post the entire text after 3 days from original publication. I will do this on Thursday).]



The Final Offensive had

whitewolf007's picture

The Final Offensive had better hurry up.  I'm sick of waiting.  Supposedly the Galactic Federation is here everyday monitoring this.  They have said repeatedly that they are here to help us.  So get on with it.  Enough is enough the waiting is over.  Shit happens now this month or it doesn't happen at all.  I'm beyond sick and tired of waiting and will terminate my ground mission soon if things do not change.  Shit or get off the pot!


David Porter's picture

"Final offensive against the cabal" really, that would be nice if it were true, who's payroll are you on?

David Porter

Author of the series



Fully Awake's picture

Are we still getting the rest of the article? It's already Saturday the 11th, and I'm not seeing it posted anywhere.

~**Within your mind contains your quality of life.**~

Are article updates getting posted somewhere?

Fully Awake's picture

. . It's been 3 weeks, and. I absolutely cannot find it anywhere. Same goes for the other partial Benjamin Fulford articles posted on here, that mention posting the rest of the article, after the required 3 day wait period. "Thank you" if anyone can tell me something regarding this info.

~**Within your mind contains your quality of life.**~

Are article updates getting posted somewhere?

Fully Awake's picture

Well, it's been a good '3 weeks' and I can't seem to find the full version of this article (re)posted anywhere. Same goes for the other partial Benjamin Fulford articles posted on here, that mention posting the rest of the article, after the required 3 day wait period. "Thank you" if anyone can tell me something regarding this info.

~**Within your mind contains your quality of life.**~

Yes We have been Posting these

Lia's picture

Towards the end of the week....

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

Can anyone help me with...

Fully Awake's picture

...a hint where to find it, or would I just have scroll though

a few days (or maybe a week's) worth of posts in that general time frame?

The only search bar I see on the site here is the google search,

and all I can find (still) is the partial article.


"Thanks" in advance <3 if anyone knows how to direct me there. ~FA

~**Within your mind contains your quality of life.**~