~ Judith Dagley ~ The Celestial Team – NEW Blueprint For 2014! Recording Available

Eddie1177's picture

judithLove/Light Message from the celestial team… and Judith

This is Judith. Yet because this message is from “me,”  it does not mean that it is not also from the celestial team, of course. Those of you who are aware that “times have changed,” those of you who have been consciously accompanying the change, understand this very well, I’m sure.  To those who have not been, and so don’t understand how this message could possibly be from both me and the celestial team… Well, I can only remind you of what has been communicated on this site for the last two years. “Times” have changed.

We are ALL energetic beings. There IS no separation. That was (or is, depending on where you wish to be), a third dimensional illusion. And, as our human mission is not to leave anywhere, but instead to transform where we are– to “bring home here,” in other words– those of us who have chosen to expand our perceptual range beyond  experiencing duality as a limitation have spent the last year acclimating to our NEW Paradigm of interconnection.

And speaking from my own experience, that did take a full  year, 24-7!  I have no doubt that there are those among us who made this quantum leap quite easily, and  I honor and applaud them. I look to them as my own frontrunners in becoming multidimensional human/celestial beings, and I eagerly watch for their guidance. In my own case, however, I am so grateful to have had an entire year to acclimate to what feels to me like an almost incomprehensibly radical shift.

Once I “real-ized” that the very patterning of every one of my thoughts were based on a template of separation… yikes.  I needed every second of every hour of every day for almost all of the last year to root out and release that old programming! Only as I held my commitment to doing so in every moment did I begin to experience how radically fabulous this shift is–and that I am the only one who can choose to make it and “stay the course,” as we used to say. In the doing, I also received the gift of living the meaning of “sovereignty in action” (which is somewhat like the old phrase we used to use, “walking the talk.”)

So, all of this just came to me as I began typing with the intention of posting that the recording of “The 2nd International Tele-Gathering of Energy Sensitives” is NOW available to each and all. There was a “time lag” that unfolded, between the gathering that was held on 12.17.2013, and the offering of the recording NOW. I understand that this was for “energetic fine-tuning purposes” having to do with balancing the participants’ processing and the optimum timing for reception/amplification for those who will be receiving it through the recording alone.

And then, of course, Yeshuwah wanted to connect with you personally, to review “The Story of Your Light” in the energies of NOW, before I offered the recording. All of this obviously speaks (obviously to me, anyway)  of the profound care the universe is flooding us with, and the supreme importance of such care in providing all the nurturing possible to sovereign beings– without dis-honoring the most important awakening of all– which is the claiming within each of us of our own sovereignty.

I’m real-izing as I continue to type that there is quite a LOT encoded in this “human/celestial transmission,” already! Please take whatever resonates within you to heartIf you are still reading, there is likely to be plenty. (You can be sure that those who felt very little resonance have already dropped it and gone onto something else entirely, ha!)  So be it.

After all of this unexpected “outpour,” you may be surprised to learn that I am “getting” to introduce the recording of “The 2nd International Tele-Gathering for Energy Sensitives” without describing all of the fanfare of energies that accompanied it. Here’s the celestial team, wanting  to do a brief “solo of their own.” They say it “helps with the transition, once in a while”–

Beloved, the fanfare is already ringing in your ears.  We ask our Judith not to provide it through her words only so that YOU can hear/feel it on your sovereign own! It is most important, in claiming your sovereignty, that You do not abdicate your power NOW, by wishing to be “led like sheep” rather than claim the power of your own FREE choice.  Oh, Beloved. Surely You do not want to continue on THAT powerless treadmill any longer, do You? 

And oh yes! (This is Judith again.) The Sirians came through in the tele-gathering, and wish me to transmit a version of their message that is aligned with this post, NOW–
“For those of you who cling to the old paradigm, wake up please. Wake up to the awareness that this is not ‘woo-woo stuff.’  It is PHYSICS.
For those of you who still have resistance to applying the word ‘alchemy’ to your own powers, we are very happy to supply you with a different word that you may be able to digest more easily.
Try ‘engineering.’ It is defined on your planet as ‘using scientific theories for practical purposes.”
We are all for that. It is exactly what is being offered to you in this recording. It is just that the theories that pertain to you NOW are quantum ones.
Any questions? If so, your answers are already encoded in the recording. YOU find them!  You ARE sovereign, and more than capable, you know. We will tell you nothing that you cannot find on your own. We honor and support you far too much to dis-empower you in that way.”

All righty, then! (I do love how bracing that Sirian “can-do energy” can be, don’t you?)  I’ll offer the recording, with only the briefest wash of description of what you will receive through the recording–

The Second International Tele-Gathering For Energy Sensitives
* Activation from Yeshuwah of individual blueprints for each and all.
* The fast, easy (alchemical) way of using your NEW Blueprint.

To Receive YOUR Recording–
Send your reciprocal energy exchange of $11.00 via Paypal to thecelestialteam@gmail.com
(You may use the “Donate” button” in the right sidebar to do so if you wish. Just keep in mind that your offering is NOT a “donation” by any stretch!)
Your recording will then be imprinted with your energy, and sent specifically to YOU within 48 hours.

I’m getting that there is nothing more for me to say. YOU know what, when, and how to do just about everyrhing NOW! ♥♥♥


Copyright (c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:





David Porter's picture

You seem confused in your words of who is you and who is "them."

We are awake now, at least the ones that follow the "alleged" "channels/channelers."

I will be debunking the false ones this year and further as needed until they are completely legit or off our airwaves.

Time for words is not our quest any longer as too much of them have been intercepted by the cabal or initiated by same or for personal agendas. I intend to get and keep these channels clear of disinfo and or at the least inform my people to be on their little Lightworking toes of who is in it for them and who is in it against them or simply for self purposes.

IT IS TIME TO ACT WHILE WE ARE ABLE ON THIS PLANE TO DO SO. Therefore if you are earnestly in position to assist with authentic clannelings by authentic Beings we are beside you all the way.

I CALL UPON THE GALACTIC MASTERS OF LIGHT TO MAKE YOUR PRESENTS KNOW TO US ALL ON THIS PLANET NOW!!! You that are authentic know that those who live in too much fear of you now will live in too much fear of you in our timeline of 2525, so as you advise us so often in your words to us, NOW is an ideal time for you to bring us the tangible assistance that we all of sound mind, Heart and intent request, require and demand FROM THE LORD GOD OF OUR BEINGS!!!

I AM with you always.

David Porter

Author of the series