Published on Jan 8, 2014
* 2013 Overview (01:00)
* Official First Contact (08:00)
* Brotherhood of the Star (12:00)
* Reasons for the Past Delay of the Event (13:00)
* Draconian Control Over Humanity & the Quarantine (14:15)
* Last Attempt to Liberate Humanity Happened 2000 years ago (15:20)
* Delay of the Liberation Process is Possible, Cancellation of it is NOT (16:00)
* Time Frame for Completion of the Transformation 1975-2025 (16:20)
* Critical Mass, Global Meditations and Quantum Leeps towards the Event (17:00)
* The Lightforces aka The Resistance Movement (18:00)
* Snowden's Revelations, Morsi's Removal & the Mass Awakening in 2013 (19:00)
* Nuclear Tests, Nuclear Exploisons & Empty Threats Explained (21:00)
* 0% Increased Radiation in California and Japan in the last 3 years (22:20)
* Vatican, the Pope and the Jesuits Agenda (23:40)
* Fullford Update, Debt Forgiveness and the Cabal's Negotiations Tactics (27:00)
* Inter Galactic Commerce (28:20)
* January 1st and Completion of a Light Forces Operation Phase (30:00)
* RV, Revaluation a CIA Distraction Tactic (31:00)
* Prosperity Packages, the Reset and the Event (32:00)
* USA, the Constitution adn the Federal Reserve (33:40)
* Star Brothers Intervention & Comets Falling on Earth (37:35)
* Plutonium, Saturn and the Secret Space Program (39:50)
* Zeta Reticulans Assisting the Light Forces (41:00)
* Abductions are a thing of the Past (42:15)
* Only 1% of Snowden's Material has been Released (43:55)
* Imminent Asteroid Impact and Russia Warnings (44:20)
* Comet Ison's Full Disentegration (44:50)
* Viruses, Epidemics are all Under Control (45:20)
* Chemtrails and Purification of Earths Atmosphere (45:50)
* Russian, Chinese and German Troops on USA Soil & Arrests (47:00)
* Africa a Strategic Place for the Light Forces and the Cabal (48:00)
* Devaluation of US Dollar, NOT an Interest of the Light Forces (48:50)
* Light Forces Intervention and Life on Earth (49:00)
* ET Civilizations & the Humanity (49:40)
* The Reistance Movement, Suface Population & the Event (52:00)
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Humans of planet Earth
I will be in the "DEBUNKING" process all year on your behalf. This process will disturb some of you and relieve others of what has been taking them to their energy banks, so to speak.
This one that calls himself Cobra is one of many missionaries or mercenaries that are on assignment by the "dark forces" as you give them title, on your planet and in it's etheric planes. He has collected quite the flock of you. Keep in mind just how many of you were collected by My little "Hitler" helper! He sure brought many of you Home not so long ago.
He is playing you one side against the other, can you "see" this? This is what your term 3D duality. And assisting in the extraction of your vital energies mostly from your dream-scapes where his dark teams do most of their work, and this is why you often wake up feeling more tiered than when you laid down. Stop giving these ones your attention=energies.
Here are just a few of his miss leading post of disinformation.
Cobra/ISON Dec, 3, 2013. "Oh, you actually believe that it DID disintegrate?" "Yes. It's not a belief, you see I do not believe, I know."
Cobra said Nov, 23, 13. "this is the portal that brings in enough Light that the cabal will be on retreat now until their demize"
Cobra states today Nov 11th and 13th of 2013 "will bring events that will have tangible evidence soon"
Cobra, "Portal to open then Cobra can inform us of the financial situation" 4/9/13
Cobra, 2/10/13 "Much is happening in the background that can not yet be reported. I will be able to release some intel after February 22nd when a certain specific operation of the Light forces will be completed."
Cobra, June, 21st, 2012 "The Cabal have one final day to surrender to the Forces of Light, today. The round-up begins form now to this weekend"
There are many more, but you get the jest of "dis," yes?
This one has lost all credibility of any sort of truth to My people in My book. His mission is obvious. He is keeping you in your place by stalling you into complacency so you do not ACT, but rather await the arrival of "THE EVENT." If you knew well what you await, you would be up and doing your own creating I assure you.
The financial has been slipped in there just like the rest to get you to rest. Do you see this?
People, this is YOUR planet not his or theirs, but they took it from you in the same why that they are keeping you from taking it back and as soon as "trigger-day" arrives, you my friends will be TOAST!!! Can you hear Me now?
Does this invoke fear in you now? This is to empower you, not disable you. But what it will now take to awaken you and get you up and on your "process toes." YOU ARE THE PROCESS, YOUR ARE THE ONES YOU SIT AND WAIT FOR!!! The only ones of you that don't know or believe what "being still" (meditation) will do for you are the one that don't practice it in some format, even in the simplest of ways. Be still and know (Remember Who You Are).
Get up and listen closely to my words or sit down and listen to his words that of Drake, Poofness, Zap etc etc etc. Most importantly, listen to God, the God of You, in You that is You. This is "the truth" which has been stolen from you for eons of your time. I won't be with you much longer in this segment of your Earth visit, so listen with all of your body, mind and Soul to this.
I AM GOD, You are God, all is God as you call The Absolute Creator Source Energy of All That Is.
There is not but God (Creator). Stand in your own God-Spark Being and receive ME. And do it NOW and continue this until it soaks into every cell of your Being.
Title Me as you wish but call Me first and foremost in every one of your days when you rise up, then say good night to Me as you lay down to meet me during your recharge time.
I AM Alpha Omega, God, Creator, Source, Vast Expansive Nourishment Supply, Radiant Divine Mother, Prime Divine Supreme Creator, Divine Mind, Universal Intelligence, Cosmic Consciousness, I AM Christ, I AM The Christ of Pure Divine Love. And so you no longer ever again feel left out of Who I AM, allow Me to now make this ever-so-clear. I AM YOU, YOU ARE ME. In every single cell of you is vast uncountable Universes that You and I live in. This is truth at it's finest.
Nothing happens on any planet, plane or all of existence unless "I" do it. Do you "believe" this? Can you hold this? Do you understand Me? Your outer vessel (body) is My tool for Me to express through and all you need do is remain in that flow of feeling "really good."
Seek ye first Me (feeling really good) and only Me in all that you think, speak, act upon, and feel. And if you get confused on the "feel" part, "I" feel really really really good at all times. And all else that you could ever wish for will come to you.
This is not "easy" in your "conditions" but so simple that you might have a 5th graders sit with you and re-read this to you. The Awakening, "ascension" is when you Remember Who You Are, do you get this? You create your own reality only when you "decide" to do so. Other wise "default" automatically will fill in all the gaps you leave for it. This is My Law and it never varies.
PS: If you should decide to condemn or judge Me for the above enlightenment of our other brothers on the let's say longer road to ascension, please be my guest, I AM The forgiving One, and do Remember that will you?
You will now be informed on much of what has been the hurdles that have so long blocked you, this is My promise to you and it cannot be broken or miss represented.
~I Love You as much as I Love Me and that's a lot a' Love my Precious Ones~
David Porter
Author of the series
Sceptical believer!
Dear David,
I just heard Alexandra and Cobra and although I completely understand your exasperation I have also been on Alexandra's site and listened to her extensively and I get a good feeling about her and by extention, Cobra, though I don't know for sure what or who he is. I think it safe to proceed in the manner of yes the Event is a Real Possibility very soon in the collective and there are many forces for the Light working behind the scenes, and yes this planet would be scarcely habitable or in an utterly miserable condition (think slaves in Underground cities tormented for the sport of the elite like the Romans..) without Divine and GF intervention, and yes, I have to help create co-create this reality as each of us have a choice (i.e. "we are the Event") BUT I do not know the details nor can I be 100% sure of the verity of all this. Remember the adage I wrote about earlier: Believe not anything 100%, disbelieve nothing 100% in these matters.
So I Hope for all our sakes Cobra is for real if he and or others like him aren't we are in deep trouble as there needs to be organized conscious resistance to the Team dark and the Matrix and I would love to be part of it but don't really know how but have done my best to be in my own small way.
How can you or any human judge with absolute precision truth from illusion in this hall of mirrors world 100% anyway? You put too store by your own reason. So please for your own sake relax a little - you probably won't take kindly to the above but I send it with love, Too sceptical: you get what I call the septic sceptic and insufferable know all, too believing and you get one hell of a gullible schmuck! T's a fine line we all trying to balance tricky as dancing on the tip of a needle! my dear friend,
Yours, Al
The sceptical believer!
I almost bought into David
I almost bought into David Porter's 'debunking' until he used the same old FEAR argument. A true light worker does not do that. A true light worker respects other people's hope for a liberating Event, regardless of who Cobra is.
I do not claim to be a "Lighthworker." Both sides, dark and light was set up by the Archons to drain your life-forces. They control both sides. The authentic Light is Christ Light and that is the one that will take you where you want to be, and I don't refer to a dude. I refer to His words to you, "has it not been written, I have said that you are all Gods."
I AM The Light. And I will use any means needed to enlighten the ones that have an ear.
One might as well claim to be a Christian as a Lightworker. Either I have found to be susceptible to the influence of the cabals, their institutions and all their minions, which are still many in your 3D. This my friends is not 5D. Stop allowing them to manipulate you in tagging along like sheeple.
They are not the power, they just use it to use you and on behalf of their influence, the Archons. YOU are the POWER. And all I teach is that. Now I advise you strongly to take your power back and quit giving it away to the ones that suck it from you until you find yourselves complaining of multiple symptoms.
Why do you continue to subscribe to "pay" money, energy or attention to anyone that continues to lie to you over and over again? I have shown you documented proof of his numerous false miss leading, disinfo and statements, and you cannot hear it. This one is 100% wrong to date that you didn't already know and this includes years of miss representation.
I will continue the debunking of the evil ones until they are no longer evil or here. This does not mean to fight against anyone or thing, no that's the separation they want of you. But on the other hand all is not ONE as they would have you interpret this once made statement.
Act NOW or sleep sound my dears time for action will be "soon" be over for all.
David Porter
Author of the series
@David Porter
-=Faith, Hope, Love, Truth, Light=- "to them gave he power to become the sons of God,"