Pam Younghans – NorthPoint Astrology Journal For Week 13th January, 2014

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NorthPoint Astrolody - 13 January, 2014



Highlighted Aspects this Week

MON: Saturn quintile Mercury; TUE: Mercury square Nodes; WED: Neptune semisquare Venus, Chiron semisquare Sun, Full Moon 8:52pm; THU: Sun square Ceres, Mars square Venus, Neptune trine North Node, Uranus quintile Sun, Uranus sextile Mercury; SAT: Neptune sesquisquare Mars; SUN: Jupiter quincunx Mercury, Sun enters Aquarius

THANK YOU to everyone who attended last Thursday’s “Surf’s Up!” teleclass on the first six months of 2014! It was great to recognize some names (if not faces) of people who attended live — it always feels good to connect with friends and community, even if remotely. I hope everyone who participated gained some good insights that will be helpful over the coming months.

If you were not able to join us, but are interested in purchasing the audio replay and slideshow pdf, please let me know! Send an email with “Teleclass replay” in the subject line, and I’ll reply with details.

THIS WEEK’S main event astrologically is the Full Moon on Wednesday, which occurs at 8:52pm PST. This is a Cancer Full Moon, emphasizing our sensitivity to emotional issues and our need for nurturing, home, and family.

Other than the opposition to the Sun (which, of course, makes it a Full Moon!), the strongest aspect to the Moon at the time of the lunation is a close square to Ceres in Libra. This square indicates an internal disagreement about how to balance self-nurturing with our desire to accommodate the needs of others.

WE TEND TO FORGET that when we are aligned with what is best, it IS actually best for everyone. There’s no “If I pay attention to what’s best for me, I’ll be denying others what they need.” And vice versa, when we are paying attention to what others need and it feels very good to us, it is most likely also in alignment with what we are needing.

In other words, watch out for feelings of guilt — in general, but especially this week — because the thought that is causing you to feel guilty is not Truth. Good feels GOOD, and that’s the bottom line.

ACCOMPANYING the guilt can be feelings of isolation or separation, especially if we’re in the process of changing long-term relationship patterns. There are unwritten bylaws in all relationships, based on how we initially set up the relationship dynamics. If we enter a relationship being the caregiver and the other person plays the care-needer, it’s difficult to switch that out when we realize how important it is that we receive as much nurturing as we’re giving.

Similarly, if we enter a relationship when we’re feeling needy and want the other person to take care of us — and they do, at first — it can completely upset our understanding of the relationship if they need their space from time to time and are not always there to fill our cup.

WHEN ISSUES like these arise — which they may this week with the influence of this Full Moon — it’s our reminder of how important self-awareness is. The Sun is in Capricorn after all, providing the energy for us to become more objective about who we are and what we really want.

Self-awareness around relationship issues may be the hardest to attain, since we tend to project so much onto our significant others, whether they be our partners, our family, or our friends. But a Full Moon is when the Moon reflects the Sun’s light most completely, lighting the night sky and allowing us to see forms that otherwise have been obscured.

That makes this an ideal week to get in touch with how we can best support ourselves AND support others, instead of believing it’s an either/or question. The first step is to see how we’re doing in the self-worth department — because if we don’t value ourselves, we’re not likely to see our needs and desires as important.

ON THE SAME DAY that the Sun exactly square Ceres (Thursday), we also have a Mars-Venus square, which reinforces the relationship theme for this week. Remember, too, that Venus is currently retrograde (appearing to move backward), so this is meant to be a time when we review important relationships and how well they meet our long-term goals (Venus in Capricorn).

It’s also interesting that another Mars-Venus square will be occurring this season — on March 2, the day after Mars goes retrograde. So while we have the same configuration this week and in early March (Mars in Libra square Venus in Capricorn), there are subtle differences.

Now is the review time for relationship issues (Venus retrograde), when we are challenged to find new ways to assert ourselves (Mars direct). In March, we will be reviewing how we assert ourselves (Mars retrograde) as part of stabilizing or building existing relationships (Venus direct).

THAT’S what I have for now! I’m looking forward to the Sun entering Aquarius next Sunday — I think the new energy and expansion will feel especially good after working with serious, goal-oriented Capricorn for the past four weeks. Each sign has positive benefits, but it’s also nice to have a change in focus every 30 days or so.

“To everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven… “



