Laura Bruno – Mirror, Mirror …

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Laura Bruno - 13 January, 2014



I saw this video several days ago, just as all the drama exploded around my “Medical Intuitive Observations about Fukushima Radiation” article. I got overwhelmed by the sheer number of comments on my and various other blogs, as well as numerous emails telling me what a hornets nest I apparently stirred up on all those social networking sites I don’t use. Ah, well, what can you do? I spoke in peace and love.

Anyway, I think this Ukrainian protestor tactic is brilliant on so many levels! It reminds me of some of the strategies used in Starhawk’s novel, “The Fifth Sacred Thing,” and it is a completely literal version of a method I’ve long used to deflect any projected negativity flung at me if/when my intuitive observations or conversation disturb Shadowy, raw nerves.

The narrator does use a few f-words in this video, so if that offends you, turn off the volume. Who knows? Watching these Ukrainian grandmothers courageously face down tyranny might even be more powerful without the voice overlay.


