Selacia – Tap Power Of January 15th Full Moon – With Process For Success in 2014

OdiStar's picture - 13 January 2013



Each year begins with a mix of energies, but this is the first year in a long while offering you the positive possibilities 2014 does.

To put this in context, remember that you are one of the fortunate ones consciously aware of what these revolutionary times are about. You know, for example, that these years of mega shifting are unlike anything previous generations experienced. You understand at your core that this is a very precious lifetime – your most important one so far!

You know that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and you have consciously chosen to strive for integrating spirit into your entire being – until you are truly merged. Being on a spiritual path for lifetimes – and having done a good amount of preparatory “homework” – you feel a relentless urge to be more and self-actualize more with each breath.

There is a cumulative helpful impact from your inner work and spiritual mastery across time. Do not underestimate the good that can come to you in this life because of this groundwork.


(Note from Selacia: It’s recommended that you print the article with process for the full moon, giving you a great resource for this week and success in 2014. If you missed my recent articles, here’s the link to my articles archive . You are welcome to share this article with your friends and include it on your blog or website – as long as you provide the copyright source information below. Share on social media and forward this email to your friends, too. I’m taking registrations now for the new Divine Changemaker Series starting January 19! This is a course for those of you who want to go deeper in your spiritual transformation – connecting more tangibly to resources helping you to manifest your highest purpose in the world. Space is limited, and we start in 1 week, so please register now. Have questions on the course or want to refer a friend? Schedule a brief complimentary call. You’re also invited to my upcoming Council of 12 global meditation on February 1! This is our first event of 2014, providing both personal and planetary healing to help energize your highest potentials for 2014. All officially registered at the link below will take part in the healing, receiving spiritual fuel for starting this year on a high note and being ready for what’s next. Attend live from anywhere in the world or with mp3 at this link).

Copyright 2014 by Selacia – All Rights Reserved *  / link to original article
