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Elizabeth Trutwin  - 12 January, 2014



Sliding Into New Earth A Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 12, 2014

We are going through waves of reveals as we dissolve the old. To look at it another way – more light is shining on TRUTH and those who used to obstruct the light are no longer here. We will continue to see massive shifts all around us with more and more focus on doing away with the illusionary world.

We are essentially in the Sat Yuga and only those who understand how to comprehend that are working with the new energies. The Sat Yuga is the Era of Truth. It is the setting for this Golden Age on Earth. Sat Yuga is here. Individuals deprived of their own ability to understand the Sat Yuga may not yet understand how to navigate the new energies. ISON and the other StarShips working with the Cosmic Fireworks, the Solar System energy have the technology to power individuals, nations and the world. It can become a great symbol for change. This is the energy of the Golden Age. Earth becomes a great golden sphere once more. That is the mystery of time. Sat Yuga is here, yet we cannot grasp it, cannot feel it, cannot experience it. That is the biggest curse of time. We can set the example. We can create the powerhouse. Each One of us is a beacon of light. We are not bound by any limiting ideals. We do not conform to any societies ideals. We are limitless, boundless and free. We are connected to total Cosmic and Universal Energy. Everybody feels a part of it. There is a worldwide network of folks tuning into the new energies. They act like a current to bring forward the greatest expression of the Divine on Earth. Resolute determination, confidence, courage and the attitude that ‘I can Do It’ are what bring alignment with Sat Yuga. You be ready with courage, strength and fearlessness then things will manifest and happen. Be ready to immerse into the new energy.

Those who are together, connected in the lifestream of the Sat Yuga create a parallel world above the illusionary world. They bring forward their new Missions supporting Collective Consciousness to live the Divine Mission now. Everything is possible. Everything. These projects are born now, they need not wait. There is no need to feel powerless or disconnected. Take Heart. As we spent the last few weeks moving through the Solstice Energy many more Souls came to new awakenings. As we spoke about The Event and spread the word, Collective Consciousness was raised. More and more are understanding the TRUTH about this world and turning away from false flags and turning away from fear. Culturing fearlessness is the fuel needed to move forward at this time.  This was the Plan to return more Souls to Love and away from Fear.

Our next focus of intention is on Bliss. Take personal inventory to see where you are now as you navigate the Sat Yuga. Take your self evaluation of the health of your Soul to your Beloved, to the Supreme Ultimate. Learn to be wild on ecstasy with your Beloved. Be In Bliss as you navigate the changes. Be intoxicated on Love of Life. Bring more Love into your life. Merge with the Supreme Ultimate.

We look now to those things within our daily self-evaluation of ‘How We Are Doing’ to correct and clear out the old programing. By doing this we become more aware of what still needs work. We perfect our humanity and we strive toward Enlightenment. We are able through self-evaluation to continue to work on dissolving completely ego mind. Emotions are said to issue from the glands, not from the brain. Repetition of sacred mantra effects endocrine activity, as does hatha yoga asanas and diet. Hormones secreted by the thyroid, adrenals and pituitary urge One to feel anger, fear and hatred. Negative thoughts and emotions, stress and trauma can deplete the adrenal glands. Through dedication to high ideals, One can transmute greed, jealousy, envy and hostility by self-discipline so these poisons no longer spring from the sex glands. Participating in negative, stressful and also hostile activities reduces self-awareness. It makes it impossible to See with Eyes that See. It keeps One in a chemical imbalance inside the physical and makes relaxation, meditation and contemplation hard to grasp. It makes creating balance incredibly difficult. Disease persists. Addiction and Chronic pain are attributed to this. It holds One in a vicious cycle of Lower Consciousness. Ignorance.

As we focus on what can be done we understand that these same glands, the adrenals and sex glands can inspire us to learn and evolve. Thought and Will impulses reflect upon our lifestream. One’s Inner can actually be permeated with joy and bliss which extends into every cell. It is from this State of Consciousness One learns to live within the Sat Yuga and enjoys instant manifestation.

Enlightenment, or Ascension is not possible unless a State of Health is achieved. It is for this reason healing technologies will be free to all and the first order of business after The Event. How can One carry out a Mission from an unenlightened State of Consciousness? They cannot! Addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, meat, overweight, cancer, chronic diseases, chronic pain all need to be healed before Ascension within the physical can take place. Be inspired now to pursue physical strength and health as never before. Since the veil has thinned and the energies are supercharged, once begun, the energies support age reversal in the process. Be Guided from within What You Need for balancing health. Call your Guides. Listen and Obey. You may be surprised how quickly you will now be able to achieve desired results. The health of Ones Soul, as a result of the latent tendencies of mind, ruins the physical body. Embarking on the Path to Enlightenment clears things out, brings up the shadow and that too ruins the body. It takes courage to endure this period of the journey. As we go through the cleansing process the house is torn down to discover the treasure. Then the body is built back up more beautiful than before. This is the process of age reversal within a happy heart.

The goal in leaving the illusionary behind is to never feel helpless or hopeless. The dark cabal invite you everyday to feel the lowest and succumb to the lowest. As we start the New Year in the new energies we focus on our Highest Goals. Together the Collective Consciousness working together makes the impossible, possible. Free Energy. Peace. Zero Nukes. Millions of voltages of electricities in the Cosmos joined together can harness Divine Energy. Raising Consciousness above the media lies, above survival mode, brings change. We can set the Example. We can say ‘This is Different.’ No longer conforming to the old programs. We Break Away. No One will be left out.

Imagine a Force Field of Love all around you. Use this Force Field of Love as a filter. Each new thought, each new challenge which arises, filter it through your new Force Field of Love. Call your Guides to suggest solutions you may have not thought of on your own. Contemplation. Think before you act. Realize simple solutions to old problems. The problem floats away. It is no longer a problem. When you meet a challenge which is overwhelming, break it into Baby Steps. Ask for Guidance. Celebrate every time a portion of it as it gets solved. Become ecstatic on Life. Ecstatic in Love. If more money brings the solution then manifest more money. There is nothing you cannot do with the help of the Supreme Ultimate. Become that Divine Ascended Master on Earth.

Be filled with joy as you receive this gift of time to bring into perfection Higher and Higher parts of yourself. Go through the self-evaluation process. Make changes. Right all your relationships. If there is a relationship out of sorts, make it right. Make Distance. Make Up. Make it right. What you water will grow. Grow Up into the new you you have dreamed of becoming. There is no reason to wait. Don’t worry about how things are coming down. Know that Divine Mother and Divine Father have it all well in hand. We are there. It is time. We support One Another in the new energies. We Have Become the Change! Namaste! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, January 12, 2014 © All Rights Reserved.http://ElizabethTrutwin.org,,,http://GalacticRoundTable.org,  An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit 
Enjoy reading my books: The Rainbow Bridge : Awaken the Guru Within (2013) [], StarGate Earth (2012)[ ] and Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Federation (2011)  [ ] in their entirety at the above website links. My gift to you. Thank you for all you do. love, beth

