~A MESSAGE FROM AN ASCENDED MASTER~ The Coming Solstice Highly Energized Event~
~Alot of humanity have continued on with the existing cycle and only some have as yet become aware of what’s happening and I would add that in truth we expected far more of humanity to have begun to awaken to the truth of things by now, but they haven’t and it’s understandable as to why they haven’t.
The veiled consciousness that you have been in, is so absorbing, so absorbing and so many of humanity are, you could say running to simply keep up with life, because that’s how our feeling[ or illusionay] world keeps us occupied.
So all of this makes what is happening at this coming solstice even more important, even more important because truly this will be a dramatic transition upon your planet, a dramatic transition.
These energies are very powerful. As Mother Mary has said, it will increase the spacing between the particles of the physical. This is not a trivial thing and I would add as she has also said that the spacings have been gradually increased over time, particularly since August of last year, but this is a major transition and so much is going to change. Use your intention to prepare and to open yourselves up to the possibility that is provided by these energies.
The reawakening of your memories and your skills and abilities is not an automatic thing. You have to reach for them. You have to believe that it is true. Just as Jeshua taught in healing in his time he, to paraphrase taught that “You will be healed according to your belief” and so it is with this.
You will open up these skills according to your faith and your trust, and some will lead the pack, some will open the door to others by their example and I encourage all of you listening to this message to be an example for the rest of humanity as to what is possible with these energies.”
~ Ascended Master