I see many people who are beginning to Awaken and, as much as I try to avoid "labels", it leaves a sense of "Stockholm Syndrome" in that many have identified with their "oppressor" in whatever form that oppressor takes. It could be the societal conditioning we have been subjected to in the form of money and "earning a Living" or the lip service we receive from our "governments" who tell us they have our best interests at Heart when we can clearly see and feel that it isn't Truth. It could come in the form of a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, addiction, and/or any combination of "programming" that leaves us feeling "less than" in some way.
It takes a great deal of resilience to be Awake in this world where there is a "lack" of integrity almost everywhere we look. We Live in a world where it's difficult to maintain a sense of clarity in the confusion that is heaped upon us as we try to talk and walk two different paths. We hear our "leaders" speak of integrity on a daily basis yet we cannot help but watch as people struggle in poverty, hunger, and illness which includes every aspect of mental, physical, and spiritual Health. Where is the integrity in the words? Where is the integrity in our actions? Yet, still we struggle with releasing programming that is obviously not working.
What we lack, as a society and a species, is Accountability. If one takes a moment to reflect on their Life they will see where their most deep seated fears have come to fruition, either in their physical reality or by living in it in the first place. By the same token, we will see where our deepest and most Loving desires have also come forth into our realities. We are quite busy Living in the "demon" of denial because it is a difficult thing to go withIN and find Accountability when we have been taught judgement and inequality to the point that many don't even realize they're doing it. We are always harder on ourselves than others could ever be and yet we refuse to give ourselves a break and ask for help when we need it. All it takes is a willingness to open the mind and the Heart in order to gain a new perspective but yet we would rather stick to the program because it's familiar. We have ALL the Power, we Always have and that's a tough pill to swallow in many cases.
Resentments are dangerous things. They don't lead anywhere rather take us on a long and treacherous journey into the dark side of the Soul. In order to Create something New we have to stop pointing fingers and placing blame and guilt where it doesn't belong. There is not guilt or blame in the bigger picture and the sooner we release that programming the sooner we can begin to Thrive and Grow, both individually and collectively. When one lives in guilt, blame, and resentment it is not Living at all. There is no Creative energy in this place, no air, no place to go. In order to fit through the eye of the needle it is necessary to release the old programming that begins with the denial of its existence in the first place. We are tasked with finding Accountability in a society that doesn't want to Accountable for destroying one another in the name of something that no one truly understands. Maybe someone does understand but I certainly can't wrap my head around kids being shot at school, war (especially "holy war?"), bullying, hunger, poverty, ecocide, banking scandals, mismanagement of funds, the withholding of our Constitutional Rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Yet, most people go on and on about their daily business not once thinking to stop and question what's happening around them. We look to an endless supply of "fix it" remedies in the form of external ideals and sources when all we have to do is look around to see something is very wrong and yet we deny, put our heads back down, get back to "work".
I'm going to set an example in Accountability. I've run the gamut of all the things that are "wrong" with our society and it's really hard to pick just one. I spent 6 years re-appropriating myself to "reality" after I had been medicated to the edge of my Soul with anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication, and pain killers. It nearly killed me and I'm not exaggerating when I say that...at all. A doctor gave me a prescription once when I was supposedly "depressed" and it went from there as more and more pills were added to the mix so that I could "function". The pharmaceutical industry is making bank while I'm so medicated I can barely work let alone function as the woman and mother my Spirit wants me to be. When you're IN it you can't see it and that is the True definition of "insanity" yet here we are doing the same things over and over again calling it "reality". I don't know about you but this isn't the "reality" I choose for mySELF and/or my precious, intelligent, beautiful children. Who am I to tell them this is their "reality"? The psychiatrists and medical industry has labeled every emotion as some sort of disorder and then convinced people, mostly women and mothers, to take a pill and it will all "go away". It doesn't work that way, people. It just doesn't. Nothing is that easy but yet it is. It's about the Human Connection and the Human Spirit. It's about Loving each other through it and BEing IN it with each other free from the judgement we have been taught to heap upon one another. We're like children doing what we're "told" and what we're being told to do is disconnect ourselves from the bigger picture while corporations and governments dictate every aspect of our very existence.
Stop, Look, and Listen. I said it over and over to my kids when they were so little I feared for almost every little thing. Stop, Look, and Listen. Stop. Look. Listen. We can't continue to force our preconceived ideals onto our children and each other. The economy isn't working. The technology we use for energy isn't working. The government isn't working (literally Congress!). Our healthcare system is broken, especially when it comes to mental and emotional health. Our education system isn't working and we just reached the 30th school shooting in the U.S. on Tuesday while I watched the Colorado lawmakers consider barbed wire and metal detectors for our schools saying "the public isn't ready to go there yet". You're damn right I'm not ready to go there yet! Stop, Look, and Listen. When everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is dictated by ONE thing that is tunnel vision! When everything is dictated on money then maybe "money" doesn't work. When everything in "religion" is dictated by one book that has been written and re-written by dictators for political purposes it's time to buy a new book. It's 2014 and we're still debating women's rights and equality? We have an elitist system and every single one of us is responsible whether you are "victim" to it or standing by and watching it happen saying nothing. We all need to go Home, go INside and make amends with ourselves and our immediate families. To Heal and Listen and Care for one another. I don't want to listen to the arguing anymore, especially the politicians and their "analysts" listening to themselves speak in order to validate their existence. Is this resentment? No, this is objectivity and there is a difference. There is a difference between sympathy and Empathy - sympathy enables and says "well, at least you have this or that" while Empathy is a mirror into another and SELF. In order to become Accountable we have to become Self-Aware and we can't do that with all of these distractions so we are willing to look back down and go back to "work" running on the treadmill of denial and distraction to the point of oblivion. We are annihilating ourselves by going along with all of the propaganda. A new hairstyle, new car, new pill, or any external thing is not going to fix the situation. We have to find Peace and it starts from withIN.
If everyone would stop talking and really Listen to themselves first and then others it would make a difference in how we Look at things. It can change our perspective. The Heavens and the Earth are speaking to us in every moment with the severe weather, chemical and radiation leaks, the lack of integrity in government, the hemorrhaging of money by the global "elite" for war and poverty, the streak of violence and public shootings. It's not working and it's never worked but yet we don't Listen and See from our very own history. God is withIN and without meaning it comes from the inside out. Jesus taught it. Buddha taught it. Mandela taught it. All of great leaders, philosophers, and Spiritual teachers teach the same thing. We are the Creators and we are Creating this "reality" and will continue to do so as long as we deny the Truth. Unconditional Love is the only answer and it starts from withIN. To Love God is to Love SELF and Accept the hardship of those around you so we can Heal our planet and each other. It is ALL of our responsibility to pick up where our government, economy, and healthcare systems are failing us. We are committing ecocide in destroying our planet and each other's emotional well being. We are the ones we have been waiting for so let's swallow the jagged little pill and get on with it. There are no labels. There is no money. There is no judgement. There is only Home and Heart. Peace and Love. Compassion and Empathy. Courage of the Heart to see and hear what may BE uncomfortable. We are the masses standing by watching our children go round and round on a ride that we know is broken. Our children matter and we can't keep putting them and each other into a tiny little box of limited and antiquated ways of thinking and programming. It's hard to let go of thinking that someone is going to "fix" it for us but it's the Truth. When I was deep into hell of my pharmaceutical cocktail I found a society that didn't care if I lived or died if I couldn't contribute to it financially. Is this the kind of world we want our children to grow up in? This is apocalyptic thinking and lacks intelligence, especially emotional and spiritual intelligence. We all have this Emotional Intelligence in our possession and it is such a Beautiful Gift to receive. If we can find this we can make it through the eye of the needle and Create anything that we desire but we have to be free of the programming that has been used to keep us in fear first. Einstein said "we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them" and until we can be Accountable for our situation we cannot change our thinking. Accountability starts from withIN by releasing the things that no longer serve us emotionally by way of resentments, anger, guilt, shame, and judgement just to name a few but really to simplify it there are only 2 emotions and all emotions stem from either fear or Love and it's quite simple to tell the difference. Do unto others. Treat one another fairly and equally. We have to Allow one another our own Emotional experiences and insights that will help us Unite and Heal our wounded Hearts. The Spirit is Here and it Lives withIN each and every ONE of us and our planet. It is the only Home any of us know. We are the only family any of us know. We are a race of ONE. The Human Race guided by the Human Heart and the Human Spirit. It cannot be denied any longer. There is only Love and Love is All that IS. I Love you all so very much and look forward to our Experiences together when we make it through the Eye of the Needle...together in Love and Unity for ALL that is.
Music to drive it Home ~ One Republic - Counting Stars ("Seek it out and ye shall find"):
Blueprints for Butterflies offers Spiritual Life Coaching and Heart-based Healing. Please contact us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com to schedule a session or get more information. Please consider an energy exchange or donation if the writing Inspires you. We mostly "work" for Free as it is our Great Honor to connect with the Human Spirit in Growth and Learning in order to share our insights on this blog.
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