~ Suzan Caroll Ph.D ~ November 24, 2011 ~ BEING INNOCENCE AND PURITY ~

Lia's picture

November 24, 2011







There is an innocence inside us that is so pure and untouched, like the core of a Rose that is just beginning to bloom. We feel that innocence and purity deeply protected by the portions of us that we had to close off, like a Doorway to sacred a room. This Doorway, and the room it protected, needed to be locked and even hidden from a world that was harsh and filled with fear.




Now we are beginning feel that innocence and purity, and we want to open the door and allow that Essence to fill our body and flow out into the world. However, we don't know if I can protect that innocence and purity once it is set loose into a reality that is not yet fully loving.

If we open this door, will the remaining darkness rush in and extinguish the light? If we open this door, will the purity and love be lost in the shield we have created to protect it? If we incorporate these qualities of purity and innocence into our body, will it become lost in the remaining fear and protectiveness?

Yes, we fear that all of these things will happen. But, if we base our decision on this fear, have wechosen fear over purity and innocence? How do we protect that which is virgin to this harsh world? Must we wait until the world is not quite as discordant and more harmonious?

There are so many questions, but we ask them from our mind. We need to ask our heart. We need to ask this embryo of purity expanding in our High Heart what we should do.

"Dear embryo of light and love, dear Essence of my SELF who has hidden for millennium, how can I protect you? Must I always keep you secret?"

We know the answer can only come from within, so we take a moment to center our self and connect with the ONE...

The answer comes as a whisper from deep within our Core, "Dearest One, I AM within you and have, in deed, been in gustation for most of your earthly incarnations. Once or twice I ventured forth, only to suffer deep remorse and painful death, but you know of me because of these ventures into an unkind world. The world is growing kinder now and the Rose of my Being is beginning to bloom. The Roses that bloom when the atmosphere is not perfect suffers the harshness of a reality not yet ready for their gift. However, some brave ones must 'test the waters' to see if it is safe for the others to bloom, as well.

"Fortunately, a Rose knows that it is the blossom of the Rosebush,
That is rooted in the earth,
That is merged with the planet,
That is aligned with the Solar System,
That is a member of the Galaxy,
That shares the Universe,
That courses the Multiverse,
That is protected by the Galactic and Celestials,
Who travel the many densities and dimensions,
That are expressions of All That Is,
Within the ONE.

"Because the simple Rose knows this Cosmic Truth, it ventures forth with innocence and purity. The simple Rose does not know fear, for it knows that it is merely another beautiful expression of the ONE. Their expression may be harmed, but the ONE is invincible. The Rose knows that it is a window through which others can experience the ONE, and through which the ONE can experience its creations.

"If you see yourself as a Window for the ONE, your innocence and purity will be safe for you will not be not OF this world, but merely ON it. YOU are OF the ONE. Hence, when you choose to fully give birth to your SELF, you are serving as a window through which purity and innocence can flow.


The Rose is still a bud, but it is soon to open.
The transition of our consciousness is much like the opening of a Rose. For many eons we, the members of Earth, have placed our consciousness on the outside of the Rose. The Core of the Rose was a mystery to us. Therefore, it was a god.

From the outside of the Rose, from the petals, which were exposed to the environment, we prayed to the Sacred Center. Some of us even thought that this Sacred Center was deep inside the earth or far above us in the sky.
We had not yet remembered that
The Center was not above or below,
The Center was within.

God was distant and apart from us then, and the world was cruel and distrustful. Therefore, we had to be sure that we protected ourselves from outside forces that we believed were "separate." If God was separate, than so must be everything else be separate. We were lonely. We were isolated. Fortunately, when we felt safe enough on the "outside," some of us decided to go "inside" to see what lay within the Center of the Rose.

And so we began the long journey to the center of the Rose, the center of ourselves. This journey was very frightening at first because we were used to holding our consciousness on the outside of the Rose, the outside of ourselves. Hence, trek inside was long and lonely. If we were separate on the outside of the Rose, then how much more separate would we be on the inside?

But gradually, we discovered that we were not alone inside the Rose, for we came to realize that inside was an entire Universe. It was our own special, independent Universe. But was it really just ours? Was it really independent?

Eventually, we became aware that, from the Center of the Rose, from the center of this "new" Universe, we could contact the essence of every other Rose that ever was or ever would BE.
We learned that in the Center of the Rose, there was no time.
In the center of the Rose, there was no space.
Since time could not separate us,
We all shared the same space.

Therefore, we were not alone!
We were not separate!

But where was our consciousness? Was it on the outside of the Rose, protecting us from "them"? Or was our consciousness in the Center of the Rose?
Where we were NOT alone.
Where we were NOT isolated.
Where we did NOT need protection
Because there was NO harm.

And then it began to happen.
There was a great change on the outside of the Rose. It occurred slowly at first, and then the pace grew faster and faster. Everything that had been so hard, and firm, and stable was beginning to shift. Things were not so hard anymore, nor were they so stable. The outside petals of the Rose were moving away from the Core and pulling the other petals with them.

Now, we could not hide as easily within the Core of the Rose. However, if we placed our consciousness on the outside of the Rose, where we could "watch our backs," we were affected by the great change. The outside petals were becoming very unsteady. They were threatening to fall from the Rose and land far away-far away from the Core of the Rose, the Core of Ourselves.

We could no longer place our consciousness on the outside where it was separate,
Separate from others,
Separate from God,
Separate from our own Core,
And separate from the place deep within
Where there was no separation.

We could not stop the petals from falling. And, if we became attached to them, we too would fall away from our Core. Now we ALL had to journey to the Center of the Rose and place our consciousness inside because the changes outside were happening faster and faster.

But we were safe deep within ourselves. We were no longer alone there. We were with everyone else who had found their way to the Center of their Core, the Core of their Rose. But were we protected from the outside? Could we hide from what was happening outside of us?

All the petals were falling away now and we were no longer protected from the "outside" because there was no "outside". As each petal fell from our essence, we were preparing ourselves for the "new world" that awaited us. A new world
Where there were no petals,
Where there was no outside,
Where there was no separation.

And then, all the petals were gone. We were no longer IN the Center. We WERE the Center itself. There was no longer a place to hide, nor was there a reason because there was NO separation.

There was no God OUTSIDE or ABOVE or BELOW or WITHIN because there was NO measure of distance because there was NO space. There was no fearful future or sorrowful past because there was NO time. There was no core because there was NO exterior.
There was only NOW.
There was only HERE.

As we looked around us, we could see that there were still Roses that appeared to be independent from us. However, when we placed our attention upon them, they lovingly and willingly opened their heart to us, as we did to them.

There were no secrets,
There was no fear,
There was only Unity and Love.


I am thankful to you all for sharing my journey
Happy Thanksgiving,




Jill Horne's picture

Dear Sue,

Wow..glad I found this.  My blog page I just started is GallacticLove...I found your Blog very similar.  Loved this Rose analogy.  A keeper. 

See you in the Rose.
