~Spirit of Joy: Happiness is a Skill Worth Practicing~

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Joyful Heart

Note from Joy (the channeler): Before reading these messages, please take a few moments to breathe your focus into the wavelength of your own heartspace, opening your individual connection to our Collective Unconscious. Within that space, I trust you will find your truths that are vital to your work on this planet. I hope what I share may help you strengthen your connection.

Spirit of Joy: Happiness is a Skill Worth Practicing

Hi to you!!

I am rippling toward you right now as the Spirit of Joy. Or as I want to have it typed, Spirit of Joyfulyaynessforeverhooray! Because YAY!

Oh my GOODNESS, is there so much bubbling-over in the world of being-ness today. I feel now into these hearts and...


Just wow.

Okay, two things.


All of these hearts who are bubbling over with hope and joy and love and "okay who cares I am just going to enjoy this life okay?" and just plain choosing to practice joy, you are SO FREAKING BRIGHT! It is so happiness-making! Because seriously there has been some mucking up of yuck and not-so-yay, and these hearts decided yay anyway, and their joy is stronger. Their candles... YOUR candles are brighter and bonfire-huge happy yay because of your overcomingness, JOYFULNESS as a sacred force. Times a billion. Powerfully strong as an incarnation of all the best and brightest of what humanity was always supposed to achieve on behalf of Everything Ever. You've made it. Love is really the Big Thing but Love and Me are really like besties, we're like THIS. (first two fingers crossing on each hand, then the two arms intertwining for emphasis)

So Joy opens your heart to the courage of LOVE, and LOVE shared within yourself and others brings JOY. That's the whole point. You're doing it. LOOK AT YOU, YOU'RE DOING IT!!! Maybe you don't always feel it. That's okay, this takes practice and it can be a lot of effort. But just keep your heart open inside to this Loving Joy and Joyful Love, and you'll find it getting stronger and healthier inside you as you learn to strengthen yourself within it. Follow where it leads. You're already on your way.

Maybe more for you all another time but I need to switch over to second thing...


Oh my dear precious babies who hurt so much, I am so sad in my heart for how alone you feel. I hope you don't mind me calling you babies, it's just I want so much to hold you up in my arms and wrap you in close and make you feel so warm and loved that nothing can ever hurt you again. It's not supposed to be like this. You're supposed to be free of your fractures already. You're supposed to have found your secret to your happiness inside your hidden chambers in your heart, where you locked it away to keep safe. But the key's slippery isn't it? The world you're in, it's gotten you all full up on juggling all this stupid stupid ridiculous distraction garbage, that it makes you keep your hands too busy to reach for the key. It makes you think it's lost. It makes you think that it's stupid to think it's even there still at all.

I want to say the distractions don't matter, but I know they do very much to you. So I can't just say let them go, because if you knew how to do that in a wise and strong way, you'd be happy already and be adding to the strength and power of the world. Instead you don't really know what strength and power is, not in the way I see as embodying the immense gravitas of Earth. So here is what I say.

Joy isn't given to you. Joy isn't taken away. Joy isn't a place to be, a thing to have, a suffering to be dissolved, or even a person to be with. Joy isn't a blessing. Lack of joy isn't a curse.

Joy is a skill. Joy is a skill of being present within your present moment, holding strong to your power of beingness. Joy is cultivated by learning to recognize the fleetingness of all individual experiences, and the eternal gift of experiencing as an individual. Yes, things can suck pretty bad. But they aren't forever, and they aren't YOU. Yes, things can be pretty fun and proud. But they aren't forever, and they AREN'T YOU! You are a series of resonances that vibrate according to the wavelength to which you choose to devote the power of your attention. You're a focus-lens, and even though you've been trained to put your focus a certain way, you still have the power to train yourself differently. Really, that's your job. It's your responsibility. Nobody else's. If I could do it for you, I would. But you gots ta. Because eternity is within you just as much as it is me, and when you practice at Joy, you add to the Joy of eternity. It's that simple. It's that important.

So the Joyful of Heart: Practice your joy inside your heart, please, as often as you can possibly remember. It's not always the right time and place to be too outside-showing about it... I think you know what I mean. It's so easy to be way too In Your Face in ways that other people feel it's that way even though you don't. So practice, and ask your More Aware Self to help you do it best to help those present around you. But the MOST IMPORTANTEST THING IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD is to practice it INSIDE your heart. If you see somebody who's down, give them a genuine "I'm pleased you're here" smile and if it's appropriate mention something about them that you appreciate, like how great that color looks on them, or how their hair worked out great. If that's not right to do, at least go into your heart and say something like, "From my heart to your heart, I share with you my love, my joy. May these blessings flow to you, and through you to all you come in contact with." Something like that.

And then also inside your heart, reach that part of you that connects through the Collective Thingy, because it has inside it too the sadnesses and stucknesses and "dimmit this is just all so ficking WRONG BROKEN UNFAIR HURT WRONG!" The Collective thingy I mean. Don't take that into your conscious because it doesn't need the attention like that. But do open up a corner of your heart to hold the healing love that is the counterwave to that. By counterwave (that's Joyful Heart's word I like it) I mean that other-way-resonance that reverts the negative ouchness and instead transmutes it into the healing open flow power of what it was trying to keep stuck to begin with. So where there was a block or stab, it turns it into a powerful flow valve and healing flame.

And so the Frustrated of Heart: I don't feel like I have the right suggestions right now on how to help you heal where you're at. There's too many varieties of you, and you don't need someone else giving you words on how to do what you need to do. Not in the specifics anyway I mean. But one thing I very much ask you to do, for me because I love you, is see if you can find a few minutes sometime today or tomorrow, to have just a little quiet. You don't have to be alone, just sometime when you don't have to talk or focus on somebody else. It's best to do this right before going to sleep.

In that time, please take a few deep breaths. Breathe with the idea that the oxygen is gold (oxygen is life energy), and feel it flowing into your heart. Feel it energizing and nutrient-ing your heart, leaving a bit of its power inside your heart as it flows through. If you can, at the same time imagine that you're also being surrounded by a space of peace and relaxation, wherever you imagine the most relaxing vacation would be. Do this breathing just a few times, like maybe 5 or 7 or 10, knowing that it is shoring up your connection to that sacred space inside you that never really was locked anyway.

When you reach your number, you don't have to do anything special. Just say, "Hey, this is a space inside my own self, where my true power can help me. I've got a lot going on, so I'm going to give over just this one piece that's bothering me, that I can't solve right now. There's this glowing, tiny little pocket of glowing white or a box or whatever makes sense to me, and it's open to take this one little piece. Well, I'm tucking it away in here safe. Later on, when it's time, I'm going to breathe myself back into this space and ask the box if it's ready to give me a stronger perspective on this, maybe something I can DO about it if it's not right to just let it go. But for now, I need to rest and strengthen for other things, so I'm going to leave this thing safely secure here as long as it needs."

You can then do this with more things if you want, but it's usually best to start small. Then breathe yourself back to focus, or off to sleep if that's what you're up to. Then in the morning or when you're in a clear space and can check in, breathe yourself back into the space and ask that little pocket thinger how it's going. Ask it to give to you only the answers or ideas or actions or whatever that's appropriate for you at this time, otherwise to keep working on it for you. Because I tell you it will be WORKED. Even if you don't believe in the power of the All Of Us Helping Out or all that, at least believe in the power of your individual subconscious. It's pretty cool like that. Your Whole Self, I mean.

So then to All Of You: I feel such a more grounded sense of Joy right now, connecting into your hearts so that I can try to figure out how to do my job better as a Shared Joyfulness Within the All. You are all so freaking awesome I love you so much. Joy is so much stronger and wiser because of the work you each do, even in your saddest points it has helped us all learn to heal and strengthen our powers of perspective, of overcoming. I only like to be the part that is SOARING HAPPINESS HOORAY FOREVER BECAUSE JOY!!! But there's more to my (our) job than that, and I thank you personally for doing that work for all of us.

You are each so incredibly precious. I know you hear that a lot, but I need you to tell yourself that in your heart too. "We are, each of us, inseparably precious, for in our individuality the Joy of Eternity is made complete." Because it's TRUE! SO THERE!! HEE HEE HEE!!

Now I'm feeling bubbly again. So I want to try to put myself into a teensy tiniest little electricity packet, so I can wait right here, hiding and giggling at the very end of the message, to surprise you with....

***** POUNCE!!! HUGS!!! I LOVE YOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!!!!!!!! *****

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;) :) :) :) :)

This message may be shared, so long as it contains a reference back to this source and attribution. Portions may also be shared, provided they are kept in context and convey the spirit and intent of the message. Peace, Love and Joy to and through you! ~Joy
