~The EYE of the STORM and finding balance in TRUTH~

Lia's picture

The energies of the New Earth are now expanding and growing, for many of you this may see a strange landscape begin to unfold around you, through you and within you for the outer waking reality of the human race will APPEAR to look the same. So when you wake in the morning your house will look the same, your car will look the same etc, what HAS changed is your frequency and vibration and many of you may be in turmoil with this. For you will FEEL a change but there may be no apparent reason for how you FEEL. This confuses  the human logical mind that then attempts to try to place a “reason” on how you FEEL or may try to prompt you into “action”. This again may FEEL very unsettling for the old 3d earth TAUGHT action at all times. This is perhaps more challenging for those of you who are in human male form. The human male upon and within planet earth being taught over and over that “his role” is to “do”.  The frustration and anxiety that then sets in when there is “nothing to do” can be immense and must be detached from. Being in FLOW is allowing the FEELing to flow as you will find it begins to change as you move through your “day”.

It is also to be remembered that YOU disconnect from human consciousness upon sleeping but you RE-CONNECT with it upon waking. So for many of you the few moments as you awake may be the most disorientating for the human consciousness pool that you are re-connecting to is NOT the same frequency as the one that you disconnected from. Work continues from moment to moment at ALL times upon and within planet earth and the frequency of Mother Earth and the human race is therefore changing moment to moment. It is the SURGE and INTENSITY of these frequency changes that are driving the “storm” of change and may take you aback.

Personally when I wake up I take a few moments to try to find balance and to centre before doing anything else. To leap out of bed (for those of you who can still leap!) without a thought will blindside you especially over the coming few linear days.  YOU have control of your frequency at all times and this must be remembered at all times.  The EYE of the storm is where it is most calm, all can be rushing around you but the calmness is in the CENTRE of the STORM, in respect of your human vehicle and human life experience the EYE of the STORM is the HEART space. Whether this is you taking some time to spend alone and simply centering and placing a golden heart in your HEART space and holding intention to allow this gold heart to travel through your human vehicle,  to taking focus to your breathing. The BREATH is a key to the human vehicle, at times of stress the ability to breathe fully is often compromised with the breath being shallow and rapid. DEEP breaths will help you to centre.

Sleep patterns may become very erratic over the coming linear days, it is to be remembered that during the transition process the human vehicle is changing from a carbon based structure to a CRYSTALLINE based structure and the needs therefore change. Sleep may become akin to a meditation, you may be more consciously awake during your sleep, that is you may be aware your body is resting but you are conscious. The human vehicle is still having rest and if you have to lie down and simply breathe deeply then so be it. If you choose to go into chaos with this then you will begin to create MORE chaos. There are teachings within the old 3d earth paradigms in relation to sleep but these are highly distorted. Your human vehicle KNOWS what it needs, the challenge is always to step out of the way and honour the needs of the human vehicle without allowing the human logical mind to interfere.

The need for foodstuffs and water/liquid may also alter over the coming few days, you may feel very dehydrated, again drawing your attention to the CRYSTALLINE structure you are now transitioning into, this needs MORE hydration at certain times of intense energetic movement, be guided by how you FEEL and do not assume you need a certain liquid. Personally I have begun to drink ever increasing amounts of pure fruit juice, this changes to be coconut water at times but the need for actual water has at this moment diminished. Having said that at one point I was drinking up to 3 litres of water on top of fruit juice a day. It is vital to be in sync with that which your human vehicle asks for.

It is not a good idea at this time to anchor into Mother Earth, this may make little logical sense but the old 3d earth reality is now fully dissolving frequency wise, you do not wish to be anchoring into something that is in the process of dissolving.  There may be much disinformation around “grounding” during this time so please be guided by how you FEEL at all times. Be aware that anchoring yourself INTO something means that you are aligning fully with it and you will anchor it within the cellular structure of your human vehicle, you have a CHOICE at ALL times. It is vital that you remain conscious of the choices that you are making as they are driving your human life experience at all times.

The ability to manifest is heightened within this STORM of change but ONLY TRUTH is supported, therefore things may appear to manifest then dissolve once more, to work with this simply FEEL each part of your manifestation and then re-adjust the parts that are not TRUTH, the old 3d earth will try to teach you at all times it is not possible to manifest that which is within the HEART space. This is distortion for it may simply be one part of the manifestation is not in line with your SOUL, you would not stop building a house and demolish it if you had simply ordered the wrong size of windows for example, you would re-order the correct windows and carry on building your house.  The old 3d earth will AT ALL TIMES try to convince you that this is the end of the world, at some levels of course it is, it is the END OF OLD 3d EARTH REALITY, something that the 3d earth will try to convince you will be the end of your human life experience.

YOU did not incarnate onto this planet at this time in order to continue to bend to the threats of a CREATION that has no place in the UNIVERSE of 3, you came here to SHOW YOUrSELF at human conscious waking mind level who YOU ARE in TRUTH and the UNIVERSE of 3 and ALL support this at ALL times.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.


