The Seven Sacred Weeks takes place twice a year, for 7 weeks each time. Beginning on the third Thursday of May and then beginning again on the 4th Thursday of November, on the American Thanksgiving Holiday, every year.
Thursday, May 19, 2011 | Thursday, November 24, 2011
For seven weeks and 49 straight days, we are offered a glorious opportunity to come together to receive Divine Intervention from the Ascended and Angelic Host during these greatest concentrated time periods of love and joyous celebration upon the Earth.
49 Days, 49 Masters, 49 Gifts
For seven weeks and 49 straight days, we are gifted a gracious opportunity to come together to receive Divine Intervention during the greatest concentrated period of love and joyous celebration upon the Earth.
"Seven Sacred Weeks" is a radiation governed by a mighty Divine Dispensation and granted to the Earth from the spiritual office and Being referred to as the "Great Divine Director". The consciousness of the Great Divine Director is part of the intervening cosmic light rays descending as the Will of God. Merged with universal cosmic cycles, this blue fire light intelligence assists to propel the momentous direction of the Divine Plan for Earth's evolution.
Mighty I AM Presence of every human being, embodied and those awaiting embodiment
To the Great Author of the 7 Sacred Weeks, Great Divine Director
To the Ascended Masters who are directly participating in the great out-pouring
Mother Akasha
Mighty Cyclopea
Lady Nada
And the Ascended Jesus Christ
I command and demand the Will of Akasha’s Rose Pink Ray, the all Christ illumination of the Ascended Jesus Christ Golden Ray and the Purity and Transformation of Saint Germain’s Violet Ray ensures the Victory, that the Wheel of Progress will move to its next notch, demanding the most powerful outpouring of Cosmic Light Rays into the mental and feeling of all human life, into the atmosphere, into all life on the Earth and in the Earth.
I command it in the name of every I AM Presence of the I AM Star seed to this Earth.
I command it in the name of Mighty Helios and Vesta, our God Parents in our own physical Sun.
I command it in the sacred names of the 7 mighty Elohim.
I command it in the name of the Great Cosmic Beings of the Great Central Sun,
I command it in the Infinite I AM Presence of the Great Central Sun, fulfilled the Ascended Masters way.
Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM.
Goddess of Purity
Goddess of Purity focuses with the White Ray of Purity to the Earth, bringing wholeness and perfection of the Christ Self through the flame of the Mother's Presence. You may call upon the Goddess of Purity and her Great Central Sun's Immortal Flame of Purity and Love to come forth into your being and world, restoring everything to Divine Purity and Balance, opening the way that you, your family and all humanity may go forth, the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of life on Earth. Her Sacred Fire Love offers assistance in cutting free from the illusions of human creation and to expand awareness into Christ Consciousness. Her flower is the Lily.
Goddess of Justice
Lady Portia is the Goddess of Justice and Opportunity, representing these qualities to the Earth. Her action is that of balance, and harmony to hold that balance. She is one of the members of the Karmic Board, representing the Violet Ray. Twin Flame and Divine Complement of Saint Germain, this being focuses with the Violet Fire to bring forth justice, freedom, mercy, forgiveness and alchemizing effect. You can call upon this Lady Portia and her Sacred Fire for the qualities of Freedom, Justice and Opportunity to act in your life and the world. She also lends assistance in legal action. Scales of balance are her symbol as well as the Maltese Cross.