Fully conscious?

Mario's picture

The consciousness constantly shifts, everyone, everything is in constant change, you can't keep one event or thing simplified to the same exact moment it is hapening. Things change they don't exist as one singular continous moment, it expands retract evolve, dematerialize, rematerialize as different proportionate conscious fields.

The views we have on a moment can change on a different moment. Think of it as levels, the states we are in consciously presently being in the now is altering at each moment in the day. The energy fields and focus of potential exist only in the now this moment everywhere is deep within our subconscious reads.

The levels are in the subconscious mind while the conscious mind is awake and aware of its potential reality based concepts and activities, it requires tracks to follow on and perceive what is.

When we are born, our subconscious could be connected to the dream world (not much laws to abide to) when we begin our 3rd density life we enter a realm where the programming is different. Thats where we can form new things learn more to what was previously tought possible trought the dream realms, astral realms, higher realms. The chain linking the two together is consciousness. Our subconscious is the missing link to all of our altered states and misshaps. It requires us to delve deeper in the levels of our brain to function intrinsically to liberate us from the programed mind aka habitual life no accelerations, no evolutionised concepts emerging from creations and altered states full body mastery.

Our DNA is a special type of memory formatted to program how we are, the genes are purposedly acquired trough genetics and these are passed down from far away. We began as sub species and where genetically modified from alien DNA this means our roots can be neutralized to alien possibilities we have more in us capable than what we are use to everyday. No one experiences with the altered states and higher knowledge, and when we do we sometimes focus on a loss or depriviation of genetics and go misplaced.

If we could stay fully aware of the changes we could be fully in control of all events happening in our lives, since everything beggins within, if we could manage to stay on this constant fully conscious and aware nothing would change, meaning we would allways be at 100% the potentials the reads, reception, intraception conveying of knowledge life it would be maximized, but how do we all get there without needing to die??.. When we die we become fully conscious or aware of what are true nature is cabaple of the being.

So think of life as a flow, the more we enlapp in this flow the more consciously aware you get the more control you have in your body life expression. Since everything is in constant change what we need to regulate is the flow by which these changes happen, when you become one with everything=everything constantly changes, your conscious awareness is expanded to view one direction and it is one of fully conscious awareness.

When we fall in sub-categories of changes meaning choices or transitions we then have to adjust to these changes but what if there was a possible way to enlap all the changes and be at one with everything. The point being you would have one simple direction without halts, the accelerations and evolution would be maximised. We would learn faster while being in complete control of our life on earth, the programming would be yours to play with, no other side tracks to follow or go on only one way in the all. This would be the divine flow of things of how everything works. And thus we would see why everything happens for a reason all the details of why things happen expectedly or unexpectedly we would see how that moment in our life is connected to the all. And this my friends would be fully conscious living. It woulden't be to much to bair because we would be in control of how we perceive what is needed to help us understand what is wrong or right and accelerate on human evolution.

Namaste, Be at One

