Becoming the YOU-nicorn

Silver's picture

By: Tania Marie, 01/24/2014


I was talking about Unicorns on a beach walk Thursday with my friend and since then Unicorns have been on my mind – their significance as our higher potentials and boundless possibilities.


Yesterday I had been led to a perfect expression from Penney Peirce in her book, “Frequency – The Power of Personal Vibration” and having her book in the foreground of my thoughts, I remembered her reflection about Unicorns as the mirror of purified vibration when you love and make space for your Higher Self to Be.


I loved the essence of what she stated, directly mirroring the concepts that had been stirring from Unicorn revealing herself to me the other day. And so her thoughts evoked this message from my own heart, which expound upon some of the para-phrased expressions she shared and end with the sonnet she quoted that so eloquently conveys these thoughts.


There is nobody else that is going to do the things you need to do or make the changes for you, except you. Likewise, we can’t make others change. So instead of waiting for something/someone to help, improve, or shift the experience, remember that it is YOU who needs to do it. YOU need to love yourself enough to commit responsibly to integrative action.


If you are experiencing challenges and triggers all around you, find it in yourself to be grateful for these Collective Consciousness gifts that are messaging and nudging you, out of love, to take notice of. Everything may seem like some grand devised plan to sabotage and punish you, yet I assure you it is NOT. If we feel this, it is our own beliefs that is making this so.


The Universe has no judgments. The Universe operates by Free Will and Cause and Effect, but not in terms of bad or good, right or wrong. It is all an evolutionary experience and like Nature, we will go through our seasons of change, as well as deaths and rebirths, both literally and symbolically. Yet, consciousness is eternal and all-encompassing.


That being said, there is nothing wrong with having ideals and to intend toward your highest. This is a natural flow of your highest visions vibrating through you. During the course of your life you will have many experiences to provide the depth you’ve chosen to learn for the soul purposes set out before entering this particular expression of you.


There are many other probable realities of you, and will continue to be, but for now you have chosen to focus on this version and with it there are daily experiences, tasks, and reminders you will grow through.


But no matter what you focus on at any particular moment or on any particular day, your real work is to demonstrate, expand, and be love in the highest way relative to your given focus.


Every second you are recreating yourself. As you read this, you have already journeyed through a new cycle of vibrational experience. We each help each other – the Collective – by holding and keeping our vibration at the highest frequency possible, always, and by realizing the connectedness of why this is so important not just for yourself, but for All.


We are all each a thread of the web of life and of consciousness itself. Yes, YOU are an integral and significant part of Everything, regardless of knowing or believing that. But when you do actually realize this and start living from that realization, you will actively and responsibly feel a greater inspiration and passion towards everything you think, feel, and do.


It all DOES matter. YOU matter. And as you are me, there is never anything we are doing in isolation.


We are all helping each other with every choice that we make. To say your choices don’t matter and that you are just one person whose voice and actions are meaningless, is a huge misunderstanding. Every one of you is a light in this world and the more you shine that light, the more reflections of it you will see in domino-effect within your circles of relationships AND across the globe, and this will return to you in greater experiences of actualized abundance.


Gone are the days of talking about what you DON’T want and perpetuating these old, stuck stories. NOW are the days of holding only the vibration of what you envision for yourself and maintaining that wholeness of vibration. You will find that when your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and actions are all aligned and operating at high frequency, this will be the change you desire.


When you come to love and have gratitude for every piece of your experience and make room for the possibilities you choose to seed, a new reality within you will blossom forth that reflects this vibration and takes you into the the wild beyond.


We are each growing in exponentially amazing ways and are always recreating in ways we never could have imagined, as well as will continue to expand beyond the fears and blocks we DID once imagine – all of this manifesting into the stuff dreams are made of and yes YOU are that dream, dreaming itself alive.


The realization that we are of the One Universal Heart is becoming a more widely felt experience, and the new and true reality. You are waking to the you that always was, in what ever way relative to each. And experiences will directly reflect that relative choice.


And, like the magickal and mystical Unicorn in Rilke’s sonnet below, your ideal, Higher, unified, pure, expansive, true….Self – in the realization of All That Is and You Are – just may come to be through the open-hearted love you embody and by your allowing space for its expansive wholeness to emerge.


O, this was the animal that never was.


They did not know, but loved him anyway:


his smooth neck, graceful movements,


and the quiet light in his eyes.


True, he never was. But since they loved him,


a pure creature came to be. They made space for him.


And in this space, so clear and free and unbounded,


he easily lifted up his head and barely needed


what we call existence.


They nourished him, not with grain,


but always with the possibility of Being.


And this endowed the creature with such power


that a horn grew out of its forehead. One horn.


He went to a virgin, glistening white – and there,


inside a silver mirror and inside her, he was.


~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus 2/4


translated from the German by Rod McDaniel

