![natalie glasson](http://lucas2012infos.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/natalieglasson.jpg?w=500)
The Divine Mother brings forth and ignites within your being the energy of protection on all energetic and physical levels of your being. Beloved ones know that you are protected completely by the Divine Mother vibrations but know more deeply you are the protection you seek and believe in, you have the ability like a caring Mother to protect and cradle yourself in love, while protecting especially energetically all those around you and upon the Earth. It is your own divine love that is your protection and through your love for others you are safeguarding their energy and enhancing their own belief in their safety in the reality you exist within.
The Divine Mother brings forth to you the energy vibration of sweetness, she speaks of the nectar of life and of your soul, through your recognition of the nectar of life and your soul you are able to experience the sweetness, beauty and blissful miracles of life, human and soul connection, manifestation and the presence of the Creator as a realised vibration within you.
Your ability to experience fully the Creator in all its magnificence is your sweetness; never forget the gift that has been bestowed to you. Through your focus, mastery and awareness of yourself you can experience all that is the harmony, bliss, paradise and ecstasy which is the Creator. Sweetness is acceptance in your entire being of the Creator, a process of surrendering to the flow of the Creator within all, including yourself.
The Divine Mother brings forth the presence of truth, a truth that can only be spoken and exist in love. A truth that changes ones perspective sheds one’s ego and yet has the power to simultaneously inspire a simple expression of essence and a return to the innocence of a child. The child in you now sees past all false energies, scenarios and manifestations, focusing only to what is true and pours from the essence of the Divine. The Divine Mother embraces you asking you to bring forth in her presence, the beautiful child within you, not your child self from your current lifetime but the child of your soul, the essence of innocence of
your soul. The part of your soul that gazes in wonder, acknowledges the sweetness of the Creator in all things, sees past the truth free from judgment and fear, while understanding with tremendous knowingness that all aspects of itself is cradled in the loving protection of the Creator. The Divine Mother will support you as you allow yourself to ignite this transformation; all she asks of you is to trust in her vibration around and within you. Know that all she reminds you of is within your being; it is yourself to share with yourself and all souls around you.
Take a moment and invite the Divine Mother energy to be as one with you;
‘Lady Quan Yin I call upon your support and assistance in my reality now, please surround me in your loving compassion so I may recognise the same within my being, emanating loving compassion in readiness to connect more fully with the Divine Mother.
Beloved Divine Mother, I call your presence to intertwine with my own, bring forth to me your ever loving presence as I emanate to you my loving compassion. I am ready to work with you to aid the ascension of humanity, to allow the Divine Mother vibration to be vividly present in balance and harmony within the vibrations of many people and the Earth. Let me act as an instrument of your light sharing the love and truth of the Divine Mother in my everyday reality.
As I breathe your light and presence deep into my being support me in activating the innocence of my soul and child of my soul so that I may bring forth into complete manifestation the innocence of my entire truthful and divine being. Support me in gazing in wonder, acknowledging the sweetness of the Creator in all things, seeing past the truth free from judgment and fear, while
understanding with tremendous knowingness that all aspects of myself are cradled in the loving protection of the Creator.
I recognise this may be a transformation I may not fully comprehend but let me be conscious of the energies igniting within my being with your support. Thank you.’ Beloved ones, please know you are here as a powerful support for the unfolding of the truth of the Creator on the Earth. You are present within the Earth’s reality to witness the same unfolding of truth within your own being, acknowledging how it will influence the Earth’s vibration. One of your missions which is now coming into play is to support the unfolding of truth within souls newly entering the Earth, the children and new born into a physical body. With your choosing it can be your purpose to recognise yourself as a divine soul and to therefore present these newly entered souls with the same vision, perspective and knowingness. The Divine Mother asks if you feel guided to be a support and presence of truth for children upon the Earth. See within yourself your own truth, the truth of the Creator, be confident with knowingness in this truth whether you mentally understand it or not. Looking into the eyes, souls and simple presence of children that you see with the same knowingness of
truth and as a divine instrument of the Divine Mother vibrations will be of tremendous benefit, it is not about sharing words or wisdom but the process of acknowledgment which can be expressed free from words or actions. Your simple awareness in the presence of children, unspoken or undefined is a powerful foundation and support. They will sense the truth within you, your
knowingness and faith in presence of truth and the Divine Mother within you from a place of humble love which will offer to them a support and foundation, an inspiration for them to ignite more fully the truth of the Creator they align with.
The Divine Mother invites you to access your soul child, the innocence of your soul and to allow the Divine Mother vibrations to flow through your being; energies of unconditional love, support, truth, protection and sweetness let them beam from you with great abundance. Permit this sacred flow of energy so rich with the qualities of the Creator to flow to every child and new born upon the Earth. Let the divine vibrations flow to every Mother and to the Divine Mother vibrations within every being whether male or female upon the Earth. Allow all to be dowsed in this light of the Divine Mother that wishes to flow through all beings with freedom and to ignite from the truth of all beings to bring actions of truth, protection for all, love, sweetness and support into the reality and consciousness of the Earth for all to experience.
After experiencing the invocation previously shared with you, let yourself imagine the light vibrations of the Divine Mother merging with yourself and extending across the world to all beings. Know that you are activating a new age and era for the Divine Mother, bringing forth the Divine Mother aspects within all beings upon the Earth.
It is forever your purpose to support the unfolding of the truth of the Creator, from your being and support the same in others.
You will see this mission manifests in multiple and diverse ways which constantly evolves in your reality. With the support of the Divine Mother let your face become the face of truth, let yourself show and demonstrate the face of truth to others, knowing that you are only ever showing the vibrations and qualities of the Creator through your expression such as through your smile and
gaze. It is important to remember that the truth of the Creator can never truly take form or be truly understood for when it does it only becomes a mental projection of the Creator no longer holding the limitless expansion of the Creator. All that you can truly express is a vibration but this can support the entire foundation of all beings upon the Earth, including yourself.
With the love of the Divine Mother,
Lady Quan Yin