Some of the health benefits of aromatherapy include its ability to reduce anxiety, ease depression, boost energy levels, speed up the healing process, eliminate headaches, boost cognitive performance, induce sleep, strengthen the immune system, reduce pain, improve digestion, and increase circulation.
Introduction to Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a fascinating alternative medicine that involves the use of volatile plant materials, also known as essential oils, that can be aromatically inhaled by patients of a wide variety of health conditions. It is often used to improve mood, change cognitive states, and can also be utilized as a supplemental medicine.
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Love Oils
I've been a user of EO's over 10 years and love them. As you learn about them, there are two schools of usage in the US: 1) The british model and 2) the French model. The british model would have you believe that EO's are not for ingestion, and most should be diluted before applying to the skin. The French model has EO usage topical, internal, difusion, etc., for just about all oils.
When EO's are not pure, you should not ingest them and actually, should not be used at all. Many EO's are diluted because the fall under the Perfume act in the US so they only have to be 5% EO to be labeled Essential Oil. They can be cut with anything. EO's work by going directly into the cell and will cross the blood brain barrier and it will take into the cell whatever it comes in contact with, including anything that caused its dilution. So, if you use an oil that is not pure, it could make it worse than what you are trying to help.
Oil companies are trying to use marketing gimicks to get you to believe that oils are certified as pure - but there are NO organizations that do this. Most all EO companies purchased EO's that are already distilled so they really have no idea where the plant material came from, how it was grown and actually, what is in the oil, unless they have the equipment to test it.
If you have any questions about choosing an EO, be glad to help. I'm at