AdaptingToGrace ~ Eileen Meyer~Coming Out As A Contactee: Kathy Kelley

Lia's picture

Kathy is another great inspiration in my series about everyday people who have had “contact” with a greater Loving Intelligence that transformed their lives. For years Kathy led a dangerous and disconnected life in Los Angeles, California, and finally reached the bottom. After an 18-hour screaming match with God, the Devil, and a gun to her head with intent to end it all, she heard a voice respond, “I’m sorry…”  Welcome to excerpts of my recent conversation with Kathy Kelley who now resides in Ohio, USA. Everything is different now, but it took a lot of courage to look into the mirror and remember who she is, and the Love that she was connected to all along.

Music, “Under the Sun” by Eileen Meyer

Note from EM: Until I can build a crowdfunding campaign, please consider a donation to the blog to keep this project evolving (and propane in the tank). Button to the right. Thank you to those wonderful souls who have booked sessions, purchased music, and donated to this blog. Every bit helps and I truly appreciate your support. This work is why I’m here.

Contact Kathy Kelley via this blog. / link to original article
