~ What's to Come? ~ 11~27~11

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~ What's to Come? ~



~Galactic Love Reporter Matthew Wayne Clark~



  Soon, the day will come...When we can walk in each others shoes.....and tread the Paths we have taken...Feel the Experiences we've endured....and Share our Hearts Desires....with more than just our Eyes and Ears....

  Soon the Day will come..When Blessings of Inner Peace  Saturate our very core, as these New Templates of the Crystal Matrix return us to the Design of our Creators Original Intention....

  Soon the Day will come, when Gentle Hands Lift us Up, to Astral Heights, or to hold us in a Loving Embrace....

  Soon the Day will come, when Laughter is as common as a Cool Breeze and Every Eye that meets, shall see the tenderness in the Other....

  Soon the Day will come, when Everyone is our Neighbor, our Brother, our Sister, our Family and no Doors need ever be Locked...

  Soon the Day will come, when the word "Fear", will be something Looked Up in an Archive of Distant Memory....

  Soon the Day will come, when "Honesty and Integrity" will never have to be Measured or Questioned...and Impeccable Intention will come as easy as drawing a Breath......

  Soon the Day will come, when the word "Harmony" will not be a word spoken, but Experienced.

  Soon the Day will come, when We Live





