"The One Who Follows His Heart No Matter What It Says, Shall Reside With Kings And Queens At The Heavenly Table And Enjoy Abundance And Prosperity For All Eternity
:-)))" Q Tar
Love Reporter Predrag
"There is less and less afraid Humans, Leaders, and Countries.
Humanity is starting to take ITS stand,
People are raising from their knees,
...Man is starting to stand TALL,
Souls are starting to re-member who we REALLY ARE."
With Love, Predrag
"I am breathing the same air as you all the way on the other side of this little blue marble called earth. I look up at the sky and see the same sun, moon and stars and spaceships as you
do. We are all swimming in the same ocean of love. We are all one heart
beating." ~ Suchi Kumar
"Don't give your power away to anybody or anything. No authority, no president, no news, no guru can replace your inner knowing. Your power (love/wisdom) is within your heart and nowhere else, but if you look for
it elsewhere, how can it serve you and how can you be whole..? We have to
finally grow up and learn to trust our own ability to discern and act as
sovereign divine beings of light. This is the essence of true mastery." ~ Grace
Sacha Baba [FB]"we create our own reality, so let's be the STAR of our life! I have
come to understand more that we are a magnificent light that manifest itself as
a body and not the other way around. And that the light we are was created in
the likeness and image of the same. This concept helps u understand more about
yr purpose." from navratri
Laurie [FB]
"Love is the most radical act on the planet.....it is in every touch, every word, every silence....within the heart of love lies manifestation and the power to Create....it is in Love's mystery
where we embrace our divine birthright as the God's and Goddesses of
Awaken all Children of the Light, the time has come for A New Earth to be
born....go now and Create it.......you are the seeds of light planted to
midwife forth this time....let your Light of Creation burn brightly....
and you will know each other by your Light"
"After mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love,
and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have
discovered fire. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are
spiritual beings having a human experience." Pierre Teilhard de
Jimmy Pickler [FB] "Love comes in a Complete Package. There is no Assembly Needed and Once We have received Love it causes Us to Love Every One and Every Living Creature"
Sapphire Stone [FB}
"Life On Earth Is Really Like The Movie ~
"The Truman Show" The Awakened Ones Are On The Outside Viewing It All On A Huge
Screen ~ Observing ~ Acknowledging ~ Wondering When Everyone Else Is Going To
Wake Up And Realize They Have Been Had! That It Is ALL Fake ~ ( See
‎~ 11 ~ "It is upon this path we
are now asking you to walk. We have lived in duality, and polarity and
in conflict through time and now we are awakening to oneness in the
Fifth Dimension. The elusive Fourth Dimensional veil is becoming
transparent as the illusions of the duality of existences are being
...allowed to dissipate under the truth of universal
Mama Cass Elliot - New World Coming
There's a New World Coming
And it's just around the bend
There's a new world coming
This one's coming to an end
...There's a new voice calling
You can hear it if you try
And it's growing stronger
With each day that passes by
There's a brand new morning
Rising clear and sweet and free
There's a new day dawning
That belongs to you and me
There's a new world coming
The one we've had visions of
Coming in peace, coming in joy, coming in love
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!!!!!