Golden Age Messages from the Masters
through the founders of the Unveiled Mystery School of Maui
Golden Age Living ~~ Part 1
As your heart, mind and body assimilate the deeper encodings of the 11.11.11 activation, we come forward to assist you in harmonizing your energy fields with the etheric, multidimensional spectrums of your being that are now being released to bring you into greater alignment with your Presence. As the Opalescent/Diamond frequencies of Source Love and Light continue to enter your body, they are starting to open the original codes of Divine Oneness within the crystalline strands of your DNA that are connected into every cell. Masters Saint Germain and Lady Portia:Your waking consciousness is starting to penetrate into new dimensions of your own internal cosmos and the deeper you go within, the more expanded you become and the greater your connection with the Divine mysteries that are both within and around your body. As the Light increases, many of you are starting to experience yourself as part of all of creation and you are realizing how vast and unlimited you really are, and that no part of you is limited to the 3rd or even the 4th dimension! In the past, some have believed that you are an indivisible part of the limited creations within the collective consciousness of humanity, and that you must do something about those mis-creations. It is true that the beings who are abiding within a particular dimension are responsible for what has been created, yet every creator on every dimension has the powers of Source to transform whatever is no longer serving the self or the other inhabitants of the dimension they have chosen to experience. So no matter how beautiful or how horrific a creation may appear, you always have the choice of simply removing any mental and emotional attachment you may be giving to it either now or in the past. Be grateful for whatever you have experienced from each one of your creations, and cease giving undue importance through your thoughts and feelings to any 3rd dimensional creations that are no longer serving you in the moment. When you stop nourishing your limiting creations by giving them your attention, it will be much easier to return their energies to the Love and Light of Source. There are many exercises we have given for transmuting and transforming outdated memories and belief systems that are offered in our Courses at WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster |
As the Light continues to sweep across your planet, it is moving everyone toward their natural state of wakefulness, and although some may feel initially confused by what they are feeling, those feelings will soon be replaced by levels of love and compassion that have seldom been experienced on your Earth plane.
It is important during this time of your great awakening to expand your abilities to receive. The cycle you are presently experiencing could be called the time of the Divine Feminine for several good reasons. Regardless of your gender, the feminine aspect of you is connected into your heart's capacity to receive both Love and Light since your heart is seeded with the original Divine encoding from Source. Your heart is essentially your spiritual chalice.
Your other less known feminine receptors are the etheric fields of energy that are both within and around your body. They are responsible for sending and receiving feelings through your internal waterways. It is through these fluid channels of your body, including your blood, that the love within your heart is ultimately felt as a visceral experience where it can then be shared with others in ways that they too will feel more Divine Love within themselves.
Love is an undeniable feeling that is the height of your experience as both a physical and a spiritual being. On the higher dimensions it is simply the crystalline, opalescent essence that everyone is living within and being nourished by at all times. The remembrance of having lived in these pure frequencies is once again being awakened within the hearts of many across your planet.
When your spirit merges with your body, it is like two great lovers meeting in your heart. Your heart literally expands in Divine Ecstasy and when that ecstasy starts traveling throughout your etheric and physical bodies, you will remember what it feels like to live as your Presence in a body and you will truly be walking in your Golden Age mastery.
Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose
Learn more about the Golden Age Courses and Golden Age Teachers Trainings These Courses have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance.