Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The world around us holds a great deal of beauty and amazement. We only need to open our eyes and look around to notice the miracles that are everywhere, and when we do, we’ll understand that heaven has always been here. Heaven exists right here, right now, waiting to be realized again.
With all of the pain and nastiness that exists here, our planet brims with full consciousness. The earth is able to take a great deal of damage and destruction and still provide an unflinchingly pure vibration for all of her creatures, so what stops us from anchoring and expressing the divine qualities despite our experience of the same pain?
The earth offers us the strength and support to keep moving in a harsh reality.
One of the most interesting things about our world is that both heavenly and hellish qualities are magnified here, but we have the ability to remain balanced in the midst of the chaos. What we give our attention to will continue to manifest for decades, perhaps centuries, down the line, and our little planet has been intensely dualistic for a long time.
Most seekers hear the word “duality” and think of the extreme negativity that exists here, but duality is an intensification of both qualities. Duality gives us the best of the best and the worst of the worst, and with the skills of discipline and balance, we can experience true heaven on this evolving planet.
Darkness is clearly a strong factor on the lower-dimensional earth, but I don’t think enough people realize that this planet also hosts beautiful and heavenly things that evolved civilizations on other planets could look down at and say, “Wow, they’re lucky”.
“The people of earth fight endless wars and live lives of hardship, but the very surface of their planet hosts cosmic anomalies that astound and amaze us.
Oh, if only they realized the beauty and harmony that exists right there with them. If they could but gaze upon the most astounding natural landscapes their planet has to offer and see them the way we do, all of their woes, however bitter and deeply rooted, would fade away, gently and peacefully.”
A lot of seekers turn within for a greater, more heavenly perception, because it’s important to cultivate a higher vibration from within. There’s certainly nothing wrong with endless inner searching, but at a certain point, the spiritual awareness we gain can make us aware of the beauty this planet has to offer.
We can feel and see some amazing things here on earth, and I think the entire world will be receptive to these things as consciousness continues to rise. The beauty this planet has to offer is unparalleled and, in my opinion, definitely worthy of our attention.
On any given day when the weather’s nice, you’re encouraged to get out, find some peaceful nature and sit in awe.
If you’re someone who takes little spiritual value or substance from nature, feel free to sit and meditate in this landscape. Meditation in nature is much more potent than meditation in one’s home, in my opinion, because nature offers solace from the restrictive density of society.
We receive a much greater flow of divine energy and insight out in nature, because the veil that inhibits a greater perception, which is partially enforced by society, diminishes. If we sit in nature and attune to the Formless, we’ll perceive it in a much freer way and our inner search will be given a boost.
Even beyond strengthening our meditations, the works of beautiful, natural art we’ll find when we retreat from western society will remind us that a lot of valuable things exist on this planet. It’s time to love and nurture our planet with the knowledge that it’s a heavenly place that we’re fortunate to exist on, because we certainly haven’t shown our appreciation so far.
We might not feel so fortunate to be here on our worst days, but we can persevere through hard times with strength, tenacity, and the knowledge that we’re reuniting with the heavenly parts of this place that’ve been forgotten.
Ancient secrets about this world have been hidden from the people, but luckily, we can regain this forgotten knowledge by turning within. We can regain the advanced understanding our ancestors cultivated, all the while loving, respecting, and appreciating the land around us. Planet earth is a work of art, nothing less.
This planet has been sculpted by brilliant higher-dimensional minds who left us truly incredible works of natural art to enjoy. The art of nature can be found in a lot of places, even in one’s own back yard, but we can only notice it if we start looking.
As the people continue to display our willingness to run society in a fair and just way, respect and appreciation for this planet and the nature it provides will lead us to start treating it like we’re intended to. Earth has much more to offer us than we yet realize, and little by little, we’re glimpsing its radiant beauty and feeling the higher vibration we’ve always been on.
Wes Annac – Remembering earthly heaven.
Wes Annac is a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.
The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as writings from Wes and more. Come check us out!
See also Conscious Oneness, The Aquarius Paradigm on Facebook and The Golden Age of Gaia.