Many of you may be feeling as if you are drowning in your emotions at this time. The energies over the last linear 24 hours have further expanded and may be triggering deep emotion with no “obvious” reason for these emotions. The human race as a whole are now releasing vast amounts of grief and those of you who work with energy consciously may have felt and are still feeling this frequency as it is being released. It may bring back to you all that you have experienced in this, your current human life experience, and I would guide you strongly to allow this to flow. Strength is found as you release the tears, on a very personal level I was hit with what could be called a huge wave of grief in the early hours of this morning. At the time I was watching a film, the end credits came up and the opening of Imagine Dragons “New World” started to play and the tears came in one huge rush.
When emotion arises within me at this depth I question where it comes from and “who’s” energy I am releasing, I was clearly shown the human race and planet earth. The release lasted for around 2 hours, during this time I was shown my WHOLE life experience on this planet so far in relation to grief. By this I mean I visited every scenario in my life where someone died. But this time it was different, I was no longer just observing and watching, this time I could feel the release and I held the intention to physically release the frequencies associated with these scenarios, a complete surrender.
Never assume that you have let go of every last piece of a frequency, as many of you know I have blogged and worked with grief for many years and I can look at scenarios and feel comfortable talking and exploring them but the residue that was asking for release from me was the frequency of ABANDONMENT. Each death of a loved one in my life has carried the distortion of ABANDONMENT and this is something that until the early hours of this morning experiencing the release that I had not acknowledged. Because this had not been acknowledged it had still run hidden at a very deep level. Certainly over the past few months I have worked with this frequency on various levels. My walk in FAITH and TRUST over the past few months has seen me at times close down to the very person I am closest to.
This morning was like a “bubble” had burst or a dam had broken. At a world level this is a frequency bandwidth change, only by letting go of the lower dimensional frequencies can a new life and a new way of living be birthed. I have been aware that those who I love and have passed over have been showing up in my dreamtime, many of them have not appeared in many linear years but they were there and those who were together in the outer waking life experience have appeared together. I have dreamed for example of my grandmother but recently started dreaming of both her and my grandfather and they appear together as a couple. For many of you this may have confused you, there is much distortion around the passing of loved ones within the old 3d earth reality. Many energies are coming back to be released. Whilst you hold on tightly to the grief associated with losing your loved ones you hold them in place, parts of their SOUL connected to you are not able to move in frequency, they are held in place waiting for you to let go and to allow them to move on to the next level of frequency and the next level of their SOUL expansion. For ALL expands in TRUTH and all SOULs expand and grow, whether currently in form or not.
At this time you are asked to swim in the ocean and remember that you can SWIM, you have always been able to swim, the old 3d earth reality taught you to fear the water, fear the emotion and it TAUGHT you to tense up and hold back. Tears are a natural “product” of the human vehicle, they are a natural part of the range of emotional responses that the human vehicle is capable of. Within the old 3d earth created reality the shedding of tears is frowned upon, indeed it is often stated that to be strong you need to hold back the tears and grit your teeth and carry on. This will work against you at this time. ABANDONMENT is a created distorted frequency that seeks to keep you locked into a karmic dimensional loop and this frequency is now beginning to dissolve.
As I have blogged repeatedly the choice of whether to interact with this or not is YOUr choice. I have reached the stage in my life where I have done so much healing and gone through so many chaotic experiences, certainly over the past linear year that when given the option of release I will take it and embrace it. I have a dream that I am shown and have carried with me deep within my heart that is almost realised and I will not stop until it becomes a physical, everyday reality for me. There comes a moment in the transition process where you reach a momentum and you keep going, you have gone too far to let the old 3d earth pull you back.
HEAVEN CAN be created upon EARTH and I am shown this repeatedly. At this time the energies are working to show you the STRENGTH that you are. It is not TRUTH to anchor ABANDONMENT for ALL ARE ONE, grief is a process, within the old 3d earth reality this process was highly distorted and interrupted. The New Earth asks for you to now complete the process that has been interrupted, to allow the LOVE that IS to free you from the distortion, to make peace with those who have shared your life and who have now in human form passed over back to energy. They have never left you, they have walked with you through your grief but you may not have been able to hear them for grief works to close down the heart space. As they now step forward clearly to connect with you, either through dreams or through meditation you are asked to open your heart fully and allow the tears and emotions to flow.
Some of you may have stood at the edge of the ocean of your emotions, wondering how deep the water is, wondering if the water is too deep, that you may drown. Remember you can swim, dip a toe in the water, run forward and begin swimming or dive deeply, the choice is yours at all times. You may find that the ocean that the old 3d earth convinced you is vast is but a puddle, you were looking so closely at it that you lost perspective of the actual depth and width of it. Whether it is a puddle or an ocean the strength to navigate is within, YOUr SOUL is now showing you this strength. For ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE in TRUTH.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.
tak for du mindede mig om det
tak for du mindede mig om det med at slippe sorgen ,jeg har prøvet mange gange men ikke været parat da jeg kun kan tale om det i under 5 min,men jeg vil bede og meditere mærke det og lidt efter lidt slippe det ud en bid ad gangen..da det går så dybt ind i hjertet ig sjælen og da min kærlighed tildette menneske er uendelig stor meen prøver så tænke og se samt jeg ved at der er kun ren og guddommelig kærlighed tilstede og at jeg skrev og fortalte selv at det var et bedre sted at skulle hen ud fra min egen viden ,smiljeg så du skrev om en drøm du havde engang og straks mindede det mig om,selvom du ikke beskrev drømmen,at jeg selv for mange år siden havde den smukkeste drøm af de lykkeligste følelser jeg nogensinde har kendt til og vidste at jeg ville finde rigdom af lykksalighed en dag,og dette fandt sted for 2 1/2 år siden for da fandt jeg min twin flame som dog først var min ven og 2 år efter skete det jeg vidste længe før at mødet måtte være skæbnebestemt,det er stadig samme lyksalighed i mit indre en kærlighed jeg troede aldrig ku findes i eller med noget menneske i denne verden,men jeg tog fejl og føler mig meget meget velsignet at få lov at ku opleve denne guddommelige kærlighed af at være een at føle sig hel og mærke den evige strøm af paradiset her på jorden...som meningen er.. håber du må opleve det samme på denne guds jord.. i kærlighedens navn lise ..