I love my pets, the more I find out about coconut oil, the more excited I get. My cats were rescue kittys. I adopted my male cat Dante in 2007, he had no health issue when we adopted him, soon after about 3 years he was less active living in an apartment, but having lots of toys and running up and down the apartment hall. Soon, I felt it was time to get him a kitty friend.
I went back to the same shelter June 2010 and pick out a female kitty, who looked healthy and was about 6 weeks old and only 3-4lbs. I took my new kitty to the vet to get checked out, and it was soon discovered that she had feline herpes, a respiratory infection which causes sneezing and wheezy asthma. It was very important that Dante be checked out to see if he caught the infection, later to learn that he too has Feline Herpes, but was treated with antibiotics and Lysine and both kitty cats are fine. A few month later,Lana became a chronic groomer to humans and to Dante. Dante has a build up of tartar on his teeth and became over weight by 5lbs, he weighs 17lbs and Lana weight about 6lbs, but she plays hard , she pants alot and a little wheezy.
Read more here http://coconutoil.com/pets-and-coconut-oil-an-experiment-with-two-cats/