6 Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen by Michelle Toole

Andrea Green's picture

Seeking a natural alternative to ibuprofen is not just for those who prefer natural remedies to conventional medicines. For many people it is something they are passionate about because of the many concerns that have been voiced linking ibuprofen to things like heart disease, circulatory problems, and gastrointestinal conditions. Fears have also been raised with regard to bleeding and/or perforation of the gut and the intestinal tract.


Other Factors Linked to the Harmful Side Effects of Ibuprofen

Whilst these harmful side-effects are mostly attributed to the repetitive use of ibuprofen over time, the field is somewhat complicated because, amongst other factors, one must also has to take into account a person’s general health, the taking of any other medications, and the individual’s age.

Read more here http://www.healthy-holistic-living.com/6-natural-alternatives-to-ibuprofen.html
