~ Complete Freedom of Choice ~
I’ve been asked if my article on confidentiality was somehow aimed at Blossom, even unconsciously. No, it was not.
To aim something at someone, one would have had to have read the article in question before writing one’s own. And I read Blossom’s article only after writing and posting my own.
So my article on confidentiality could not have had any relationship to Blossom’s.
But the question does raise a more general matter and perhaps I can be permitted to comment on that.
Archangel Michael has said in my discussions with him and with other colleagues that we have complete freedom of choice to turn down an assignment or to ask to be relieved of one. There’s no compulsion coming from the Company of Light.
I think it’s true that the galactics, for many reasons, want us to participate in some of the heavy lifting, but there has never been, and I don’t think there will ever be, such things as compulsion or judgment in their dealings with us.
We have an old paradigm and a new paradigm, the former of which is part of our conditioning and the latter of which resides mostly as intuition sensed from our higher-dimensional selves. At some point the new paradigm will be evident to us and later still it will become like second nature.
The old paradigm trades in such notions as good and bad, obligations and duties, shoulds and should nots, etc.
The new paradigm, I think, deals in such things as wants and wishes, freedom and non-judgement, cooperation and service.
I think (and it’s only a thought) that we often tend to project our conditioned thoughts onto others. So do I have the thought that I would wish to judge Blossom or tell her what she should be doing? No, not at all. Blossom has served us well for many years. How could I be anything but grateful to her for that?
My only desire is to allow Blossom to do exactly what she wishes. I would want the same courtesy extended to me as well. Why should Blossom or anyone else not be permitted to say when enough is enough? She may think or fear that she’ll be judged but I hope she isn’t.
Yes, the galactics want us to do some of the work and for many reasons. But that’s as a totality, as the human race. Within that, they don’t expect any one person to do a task which the person doesn’t want to do. To think they do is to project “Pharaoh” onto them and surely that comes from our own fears and not from their behavior.
As far as I can see, there’s going to be much that we have to drop and the need will grow as we proceed. Judgment, black-and-white thinking, our wariness, every unworkable viewpoint that we took upon ourselves because it was necessary in the old social order will probably have to go.
Faith, trust, willingness, honoring ourselves and others, allowing others to be who they are and who they’re not – all these will be part of the new skill set that goes along with the new paradigm.
One of the remarkable things I’m seeing in this new work that’s underway is the fact that lightworkers, suddenly thrust together to get a big piece of work done, are having to trust each other from the get-go. What a challenge that is when we come from a world whose conventional wisdom was that you had to be wary of others, not too open, etc. But we couldn’t get the job done if we were too wary.
Coming back to Blossom, I’m personally not attracted to telling others what they need to do. Give my personal opinion, okay. Say how I see it, for sure. But coerce or obligate others? Doesn’t feel right. Surely we’ve had enough of that.
Controlling others will die, I think, with the old paradigm.
I do believe we came here because we agreed to help bring in this new era that’s dawning. But I don’t think we have to do any task that doesn’t appeal to us or is for some other reason not suitable.
Be free. Breathe in that new freedom. Archangel Michael said to me Nov. 16 that the energy of NESARA is freedom. I had not thought of that before but on reflection it seems obvious.
Psychologist John Enright used to joke that he was giving us hard-nosed permission to be free. I don’t want to be like a prisoner who returns to his jail cell when the prison doors are flung open because it’s all he knows. I want to breathe in the air of freedom. And I want all others to be free along with me.
Free of concepts, free of conditioning, free of vasanas. Free to do what you want. Free to worship as you please. Free to marry whom you like, do the work you want to do, take a vacation when you want, just simply to be free.
This is the new order, as far as I can see. It’s not simply a more clever, more subtle version of the old order. It bears no relation to it. It has no truck or trade with it. It may be hard to connect with the fact that we really are being invited to be free. We may wonder if we’re being hoodwinked, but I don’t think we are. Now all that needs to be determined is are we capable of responding to that invitation and are we capable of allowing others to respond to it as well?