~ Galactic Love Reporter Lucas ~
~ Knowing With The Heart, All Will Happen! ~ 30 November 2011
As I read Blossom Goodchild’s last channeling (*1) and Steve Beckow’s article today: “Confidentially speaking……”(*2) and Ron van Dycke his video message today: “Where is the support” (*3) I had to write a message. My personal opinion is that you all have to do make up your own minds in everything. I express that what my heart feels to communicate with you.
I will be still confident in my knowing and trust the things will happen in time and on time for us as it is still our 3D experience. It is just not to comprehend for us as we have 3D time what has been done, what has been changed and all that without us seeing, hearing, etc . Above, so to say, the Lightbeings, Angels. Galactic Federation of Light, etc., go on with their business making the changes come into manifestation that the Divine has planned and need to be executed. Those changes, change every moment in our time line experience (even other timelines and parallel universes etc) and the effects of that also effect the outcome here on earth.Changes and develeopments change things constantly.
Lots of people still seek outside themselves the solution. But you all are part of the solution in your own reach. You all are the yin and yang, the dark and the light sides of the same coin that is. We need to get back in balance being in the now as whole people/ Oneness in being One with ourselves the dark en the light side united. One with the All that is being One with yourselves. One is being balancing the + and – to nothing or just existence of all that is.
The outside help will still be here even if we despair now and distrust, give up,etc. You have to be the One first yourselves. Acting in helping others become One. Become all One in unity consciousness. The system becoming One again in balance. You can help by acting in unity to bring balance and therefore manifest what is for all the best for all. I feel my heart speaking to you to open up yourselves being One not being right or wrong, believing or distrusting, love or hate.
Just be One and know that is All needed in finding your way to ascension and bringing the manifestation of Heaven on Earth in the now . Learn from your own heart that is your new way of thinking. Feel what you need to know in becoming One. You will succeed as we All will succeed in becoming One again. The marvelous new world is just around the corner now. Time is not important nor is Oneness and ascension only dependent on outside help. You are the key to becoming One with All again. Know and feel that with your heart.
Love and Light,
*1) Blossom Goodchild ; http://www.blossomgoodchild.com/index.html?page=BG127nov29.html
*2) Steve Beckow : http://stevebeckow.com/2011/11/confidentially-speaking-i-cant-talk-about-it/
*3) Ron van Dycke video link http://youtu.be/6xSd6MuzlrY
(c) 2011 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings, channelings of Lucas only may be published, re-blogged and posted with the name and http:// link to the original article and or http://www.lucas2012Infos.wordpress.com blog mentioned in the article with name of the author/channeler Lucas.