DEAR FRIENDS- What is fate? Do we really need to submit our beautiful, sacred and precious selves to a predetermined destiny- or to any external authority, to the demands of society, to the dysfunction in our families or even to the supposed "Will of God"?
Or can we break down every wall between us and our birthright of freedom and joy, burn away every chain that limits us to the deadening concepts, philosophies and conditioning of the past!
I tell you this: "Fate" is nothing more- or less!- than the self-defeating conditioning that was programmed into our bodies, our minds, our emotional reflexes by our families, societies, cultures and religions.
If we are taught to feel guilty- our fate is to forever feel that we are being punished. And to unconsciously punish ourselves!
If we are taught to be ashamed- our destiny is the sorrow of believing we are not worthy. And to act as though we don't deserve our seat at the great banquet of life.
If we are conditioned to doubt ourselves we will eternally fail to reach our dreams- for it is our faith in ourselves that unleashes our powers and enables us to succeed.
And if we are taught to obey any power beyond the love in our own hearts and the truth in our own souls- then we will be exiled from ourselves and fall into the shadows.
But we were born to rise- and live in the light!
To change your "fate"- journey inward to your Core and Original Self, release the fear, guilt, shame and self-doubt that separates you from the beauty and greatness of who you truly ARE- and set yourself radically and completely free!
When we Unconditionally Love and Believe in ourselves- THERE IS NO FATE! There is only the happiness and freedom of BEING YOU and the miracle of being completely alive.
Beyond every outmoded belief about karma, destiny and "fate" is the life-long joy and happiness of being and expressing and discovering the beautiful and amazing miracle- that is YOU!
Rebel forever against the armies of self-defeat and reclaim the Garden of your Original Self.
In the sweetness of love and the joy of victory- I will meet you there! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
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