Reading my past blogs now is completely different than what was in those moments, it looks a lot like a programming in itself. Humans can go from 1 to 2, its like a split in consciousness, what has been was never as I though it to be. How can someone see something that is not there, we can feel... maybe experience things that go in utter chaos before going good in finding the self the soul self. We are born and have this one line of consciousness the soul, aware of, and can go to being self aware, and from intensive pressure on the being, what would be soul shattering as corruption there would be a surplus of what is normal for a being and from that One we would go to Two. There is an explanation for this One and Two but I am not aware of its existence as of yet, but it is not always a good thing, it can be a blessing or a complete curse, but once we split the one, we can never get to one again. Trauma is one of the key causes that people get to 2 and from there we can get programmed and contained in many ways. Reality and living gets a lot harder so the being searches for love while they may have unconditional love unknowingly. We can't seem to get things right from that point, we go trough so much that even help from the outside can't even get trough to the being. But there is always a point in time when our true potentials rises, that spark ignites the light within our being, and it can get so strong really fast and week again as fast as it goes up. This might be what creates that crack in the soul by which our original light that would be sealed in a stronghold within can leak out that seam that can never be sealed, I have been looking for many ways to seal that in but every time the big "The Light" get's to None "It's the brick wall, living dead, roaming endless seas, neutralizing the senses limited for beings" We loose focus of living in the feed "The Light" That which keeps us going, holds us strong within and at One. So it takes a lot of reconfigurations to finally get to go within and search and create for ourselves to enable this spark to ignite, if we let go the light leaves when the creativity fades and one gets in the programming, TV and patterns of zombie like living, hence the living dead. Hope is what we search for, Love is what we get and truth is what we need to keep us going, so how do we live in the good feed at all times? Creativity and soul expansion, meditation, love, joy, miracles, peace, beauty, the elements of life. We don't even need social interactions to get in the good feed, it exist within each an everyone of us, we create it we live by it and try to maintain it. There is always others living in the empty that needs that little boost of knowledge and Light, Love but for it to work and stick this way as long as possible the ones that live in the good feed need to show them how they are, and what they are achieving in this creation of life that we all play in by just being themselves, it's easy for the 1's but the 2's have a different code, it has similar aspects but needs more nurturing than those still at One. Well I'm not sure where I am getting at with all of this, but the humans that live in this programming or low very low spiritual sense or development sometimes just break us apart, without even acknowledging what they have created for ones that are in the good feed the light then sense of peace and well being. Create for yourselves attain life in your own ways and after a while it overflows and goes out beyond what would of never happened just happens and the cycle continues. There was something I was trying to achieve and every time I would get close to it, someone or something would shatter it and it would create this wave of events that unfold positively or negatively depending on how this human is advance in soul growth, and has gotten the necessary experience to unfold there true potentials, we then are for the highest good within this universe by just being and living without limits we learn what is necessary to evolve to a better species. I wonder how they manage all of this on Earth.