The Changing Language of the New Paradigm

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Picture Maybe you have heard...there is a new paradigm dawning, a new age, a shift in consciousness. There is a just under the radar, subtlety perceptible awakening, an expanding of consciousness. This mystical, cross-cultural, mass awakening is happening in the individual and spreading across the world like a beneficent virus, an 'influenza' of raised consciousness. Just as the common flu bug genetically re-programs your cells to reproduce itself; the raised consciousness flu re-programs your feelings and thoughts to re-member who you are, your mystical divinity...your esoteric connection to all things, that your are the Universe experiencing itself in a human body.

This awakening consciousness condition comes with its own symptoms; such as increased, sometimes uncomfortable emotions, disrupted sleep patterns, melancholy, along with with blissful feelings for no apparent reason, enhanced senses, a new found comfort with being alone...among many, many others. You are changing the way you relate to your own living, your experience of your relationship to others, especially the way you speak to yourself and others.

Words are symbols of energy. Language is a system of symbols that conjure 'spirits', spirits simply being energies that empower or conversely oppose ones intention(s). The reconsideration of the words we use in our life is critical. Words can enhance or drain our power, our sense of self responsibility.

While awakening, one begins to seek out the language that reflects Oneness in all endeavors, language that reflects choice in all matters, language that avoids, neuters the power-domination over dynamics that may cause internal and outer resistance. Such as...


  • Surrender becomes allowing
  • Submit becomes acceptance
  • Faith which is detached from an actual experience, becomes trust from experience.
  • Belief becomes less meaningful, knowledge gleaned from direct experience becomes the major frame of reference.
  • 'Awakening' becomes remembering
  • Patience becomes less about waiting for something to happen and more about composed, trusting effort.
  • 'God' becomes Universe, Universal life force, divinity, Love.

To name just a few...

One will release the concept of absolutes, release the notion of something 'other' having any effect on oneself, be it 'positive' or 'negative'. Things become more about perception and less about adherence to imposed doctrines. One will travel this life with an inner vision, an inner vision derived from a newly discovered inner primal presence. Some of us call this inner presence 'the 'God'-'Goddess' within. One will not seek to 'control' matters or others by force, but to guide from a basis of deep understanding born of Love, not force. Coming to terms with the matters of life, seeking harmony and an 'at oneness'. Understanding brings peace. The only 'dominion' one will seek is over oneself. Ones mind will not act alone anymore, the mind and the ego that operates it will seek the counsel of the heart. Heart and mind acting as One.

Coming to terms with ones 'shadow' is a shaman's work. Understanding that things of the shadow are simply the parts of ourselves that we want to hide from others. This 'shadow-self' that we've sentenced to the prison of our personal dark, closets, and are reflected in our projections onto others. A raised conscious awareness always starts with the self, an uncompromising self honesty. Becoming a 'better person' will not be based on what others think about you, it will be vested in what you think of yourself. You are creating a new normal.

The image at the beginning of this article speaks of 'miracles from sound'. That sound is the sound of your own inner voice, the feelings attached to the 'spells' you cast with your words. In your journey; give your self language examination. Your heart feels the words your speak, the heart will tell you what does not resonate with the frequency of Love and self-realization. Are your words self-inspiring?...are they of self-Love and acceptance?
Are the words contradictory to a true Loving, liberated soul?

Sit with your self-talk in non-judgmental silence; note how your inner dialogue feels. The ties that bind will become apparent. Honest self-observation will break those ties to free the real you, the you that the world needs you to be now.

Walking the path with you,


Duane Townsend

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