will's picture

DEAR FRIENDS- Here is a Self-Loving and life-changing declaration that- when embraced with your soul's passion and your awakened mind- paves the way for the sun of self-confidence and happiness to rise in your heart.

And never set again.

The great shout of joy- five ringing words- that will set your spirit free forever are: "Who I AM- is perfect"!

Who and what you ARE- your Core and Authentic Self- IS perfect. Everything we DO isn't perfect! Like children learning to walk, then run, then dance- we all make mistakes and fall flat on our faces.

You can count on that!

But the more you release the self-doubting conditioning burned into you by your family, society, culture and religion- the more you wake up and connect to the genius of your own soul, the singing aliveness of your body, the glorious rainbow of your talents and strengths, the vast ocean of your love and the blazing star of your own life-force- the more you feel awe at the Living Masterpiece your True Self really is.

I'll bet you have experienced a rapturous sunset, a transcendent symphony, the heartbreaking beauty of a newborn child- as "perfect". Do you think the miracle of your True Self could be less awe-inspiring, beautiful, "perfect" than that? Impossible!

So let go forever of the dreary and unwinnable battle to "do everything perfectly". That draining and endless struggle is based in shame and self-doubt.

Be a human being and make your mistakes as you learn the sacred steps of dancing everything you are.

And through it all remember to utterly trust your own beauty and validity- and have unconditional faith in the amazing person that is YOU! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN

You can find more of Brain's writings here:


What a Great Tonic

drmoe's picture

Right here! Right now! Good Enough!  Drink deeply and then apply liberally to all aching areas.