by Kris Gunnars
Butter is one of those foods that can turn bland meals into masterpieces. But in the past few decades, it has been blamed for everything from obesity to heart disease. Recently, butter has been making a comeback as a “health food.” Here are 6 reasons why butter is good for you.
1. Butter is Rich in Fat-Soluble Vitamins
There are a lot of fat soluble vitamins in butter. This includes vitamins A, E and K2. I’m not going to make a big deal out of A and E. If you’re eating a healthy diet that includes animals and plants then you are probably getting enough of those already.
But I do want to talk a bit about Vitamin K2, which is fairly rare in the modern diet and many people don’t know about. Vitamin K2 can have powerful effects on health. It is intimately involved in calcium metabolism and a low intake has been associated with many serious diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis (1, 2, 3). Dairy from grass-fed cows is particularly rich in Vitamin K2 (4).
2. Butter Contains a Lot of Healthy Saturated Fats
The “war” against saturated fat was based on bad science. It was never really proven that it caused any harm. In fact, recent studies suggest that there is no association at all between saturated fat and cardiovascular disease (5, 6).
Saturated fats raise HDL (the good) cholesterol and change the LDL from small, dense (very bad) to Large LDL… which is benign (7, 8). Additionally, butter contains a decent amount of short and medium chain fats… which are are metabolized differently from other fats. They lead to improved satiety and increased fat burning (9, 10).
3. Butter Lowers Heart Attack Risk Compared to Margarine
Mainstream nutrition guidelines tend to backfire and have the opposite effect of what they were intended to do. A prime example of that is the recommendation to replace butter with margarine… which is something our beloved authorities have been telling us to do for a long time.
Well, what happened is that we replaced butter, a healthy food, with something containing highly processed trans fats… which are downright toxic and cause all sorts of diseases.
In the Framingham heart study, they examined the effects of butter and margarine on cardiovascular disease (11). Margarine significantly increased the risk of cardiovascular disease, while butter had no effect. Another study revealed that high-fat dairy consumption reduced the risk of heart disease by a whopping 69 percent, most likely due to increased Vitamin K2 intake (12).
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