DEAR FRIENDS- In my decades of helping people free themselves from deep and chronic depression, and return to the inner peace, deep well-being and lasting happiness they deserve, I have found two "Golden Keys" - guiding and healing principles- that unlock the prison cell of sadness and hopelessness in every single case.
First- ALL depression is the result of powerfully suppressed emotions. The more a person connects to these buried feelings and thoroughly expresses them, the more their depression is lifted and their ability to be happy and alive is restored.
Secondly ALL chronic depression has its deepest and most important roots in stored-up pain FROM OUR UPBRINGING. Crucial and unhealed losses and betrayals in our central love connections (primarily with Mother and/or Father) and the invalidation of our Authentic Selves (including guilt and shame being placed upon our basics instincts and emotions including anger, sadness, the longing for love and affection, our developing and innocent sexuality, our willfulness and self-assertion etc.) are the buried pain that predisposes us to depression as adults.
In this regard we must recognize that present-day events- a divorce or death of a loved one, a failure to achieve a cherished goal, an illness, the loss of one's job etc.- are the "straw that breaks the camel's back" and NOT the sole and primary cause of a deep and lasting depression.
To thoroughly heal one's chronic depression it is also all-important to cast off the blinders of spiritual/religious teachings, New Age spiritual jargon and the conditioning we experienced in our own families and reject the concept of "negative emotions". THERE ARE NO NEGATIVE EMOTIONS- PERIOD.
All of our feelings are given to us by Mother Nature for positive and life-giving reasons. And the unresolved childhood feelings that are fueling your depression- primarily strong anger and deep sadness- are NATURAL RESPONSES TO REAL LOSSES AND DYSFUNCTIONAL TREATMENT YOU EXPERIENCED GROWING UP. Validating the legitimacy of your own pain is the essence of Self-Love and an irreplaceable step in gaining the ability to release your burden and finally be free!
The key to unchaining ourselves from our stored-up pain and thereby permanently heal our depression is to journey deep inside and discover THE ORIGINS OF THESE FEELINGS IN YOUR CHILDHOOD. Once this awareness has been gained- and awareness is never enough, it is only the first step!- then you need to do thorough and liberating expressive work with the feelings. Usually a trained and experienced therapist will be your ally in this part of the journey. To fully release the primal roots of your depression you need COME PASSIONATELY ALIVE and scream out the truth of your anger, cry and sob to the bottom of your sadness, let out the despair and the hurt- until all the pain is gone.
And just as importantly and irreplaceably, you must confront the conditioning you experienced as a child to give up on and "hold back" your need for love and connection- and become emotionally free to whole-heartedly, whole-bodily reach out for love again!
This "emotional freedom work" lifts your depression by "turning the lights back on" inside you- unsuppressing your full aliveness and allowing your life-energy/chi/prana to fill you and flow freely again. The more your burden of pain is expressed and released- and the more you are emotionally able to reach out for love the more your natural happiness and gladness to be alive takes over and becomes your "new normal".
And if you are brave and compassionate enough for yourself- Unconditionally Self-Loving- to stay on the path until the end I promise that the pain WILL be gone someday! It takes time and much hard work- but I can tell you from my own experience of being amazingly free and alive, truly happy and deeply at peace every day that the emotional liberation I am describing is the PERMANENT CURE and "unturned key" for healing depression. And for the life of joyful fulfillment you were born for and completely deserve!
Read more of Brian's writing here: