Disclosure Petition II - Rockefeller Initiative
The second PRG Disclosure petition is up on the White House website and quickly gathering signatures. It cleared the 150 posting threshold in 15 minutes. It will take 25,000 signatures by December 31 to trigger a formal response from the White House. Of equal importance, if it can quickly gather 10,000 signatures, it will attract media attention.
All nations can sign. Share the direct link to the petition via Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, email lists, websites, etc. Banners for linkage are available at the Petition Info site. If you signed the first PRG Disclosure Petition, you do not need to create a new account. Use your password and log in. First time signers will need to create an account with We the People, get a password back via email and log in. Takes a couple of minutes.
This petition is a direct challenge to the White House (OSTP) response to Disclosure Petition I. If it clears the 25K threshold, it will pose a difficult challenge to whomever is called upon to write a response.
White House response to Disclosure Petition I
PRG's response to the White House response.
Zabel/Dolan Petition
Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel have simultaneously submitted a petition to the White House which approaches the issue from a different angle. PRG strongly encourages all supporters to sign. These two petitions are sufficiently different to likely receive separate responses from the White House if they reach the 25K threshold. The more responses the better. The first URL above is a direct link to this petition. Below is the text:
WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena as Reported by Citizens, Police, Astronauts, Pilots and the Military.
Searching for microbes on Mars and radio signals from space is not enough. We must explain Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAP, right here on Earth.
For six decades worldwide, credible witnesses (including Presidents Carter and Reagan) have consistently described objects with flight capabilities beyond our technology. UAP are often verified by radar and even seen at nuclear sites by military officers.
Given the national security implications, the United States should conduct an independent investigation. This inquiry must transparently review the key unsolved UAP reports with access to classified documents. It must have the power to call witnesses and grant immunity.
The findings should be publicly presented.
2012 Woman's UFO Symposium
May 19-20 Glen Rose, TX
The Women's UFO Symposium brings together leading women in UFO research, documentation and related information.
The first annual Symposium will be held at the Somervell County Expo Center and Texas Amphitheater in Glen Rose, Texas on May 19-20, 2012. The event will be hosted by Tracie Austin Peters, producer and host of "Let's Talk...Paranormal" radio and TV talk show.
PRG strongly supporters this conference and all women research/activist/journalists.
UFO/ET/Exopolitics relevant documentaries continue to pour out. Here a few PRG strongly encourages its supporters to watch:
Secret Access: UFOs on the Record
Disclosure Dialogues
Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814
PRG@paradigmresearchgroup.org 202-215-8344