will's picture

In the life-affirming perspective of Bioenergetic/Core Energetic therapy, bodily pleasure is the engine of life. Sensual and emotional gratification- good feelings- raises our spirits, releases our tensions and makes us glad to be alive. We are, in our core, pleasure-oriented and life-loving animals!

And since pleasure feeds the fire of life it is no sin. Indeed it is a sacred and life-giving force! Pleasure and love are the medicines we all need. And the open-hearted joy of sex is the ecstatic merging of both!

Sexual play and pleasure- in its endless and happy variety- is a vital need. Being pleasure-oriented in general, and loving and embracing our sexual feelings in particular, keeps us "turned on"- glowing, happy and excited by life. Enjoying and expressing our sexuality brings us alive and is a key factor in our physical health, emotional well-being and spiritual openness. Our sexual energy is a major way in which we reach out from our core to be close with other people and connected to the Universe itself!

The most ecstatic joy of sex is felt when both partners feel heartfelt love and passionate desire for one another. If soul-stirring fulfillment is eluding you this may be the reason why. Because the heart and the pelvis are connected by our body's most powerful flow of energy, sexual excitement and love must melt and merge together- first in our own bodies and then between us and our lover- for the greatest arousal. If one's "heart is not in it" the current of life-energy between the heart and pelvis is cut off, reducing the intensity of pelvic/genital excitement as well as the emotional response to the experience.

But when the tenderness and affection of "I love you" merges with the heat and urgency of "I want you" in each lover's body, the two glowing stars of energy fuse into one explosion of joy- and the earth moves and our spirits soar to heaven! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN

Read more of Brian's writing here: