The Power of Willingness - Meredith Murphy

will's picture

In my experience, willingness creates doorways. It opens up possibilities that were not there before. Literally openings are created as we choose to be willing to experience something, to discover something, to be shown something, to receive more of something.

A lot of times we think having more of what we want in life has to do with skill, information, or capacity. But in fact, everything is already connected with us, in the innate Oneness of life. To experience something we simply have to be in resonance with it. So in essence, willingness says, I'm opening to shifting into a vibration that will draw this to me. I'm open to my energy changing to accomodate this new experience in my life. Willingness creates space for something new. 

What are you willing to let in today? To learn to hold as part of your field, essence and energy-wise, so you and this wonderful new experience in life, can meet?