First, you'll want to decide upon who you want to channel. For popularity's sake, it's recommended that you choose an Archangel or Ascended Master as these will automatically get more attention. These are also a safe bet because these beings are unconditionally loving, so they won't get ticked off if you spout pure nonsense using their name. You may be tempted to channel your own Higher Self, and while that's best for your own personal evolution and getting connected to your own source of Truth, it's not nearly as profitable as claiming to channel a being like Archangel Michael. People automatically trust a brand name they're already heard of.
Next, you'll need a way to begin the messages, and for this I recommend "Dear Ones". I'm not really sure what the appeal is, but starting channelings this way is very trendy at the moment and going with current trends is a sure way to be popular. You may believe that parroting and repetition shows a lack of creativity, and you're right, but you don't need to be creative or original to channel.
As far as content goes, I don't recommend just giving people raw truth. That's not what most people want anyway, they want entertainment for their minds, they want a good story, they want hope for the future, not to focus upon the Present Moment. Promise amazing things in the near future, but be careful about using the word "soon" too much. A certain other channeler used that term way too much, and people started to realize they were being strung along.
Don't be afraid to make predictions. Sure, you don't really know what's going to happen in the future, but people really like predictions. They want the false security of believing they know what's going to happen. A current trend is to make extremely vague predictions, like predicting something will happen, but not saying what it is. Since something is happening in every moment, you'll always be correct.
So what happens if you make a prediction, but it doesn't come true? No worries, this happens all the time with channelers, and there's a long list of pre-made excuses you can use:
- we switched timelines
- it really did happen but only "true believers" got to see it
- the prediction was metaphorical and people just interpreted it wrong
- it really did happen, but only energetically
- humanity wasn't ready yet
If you're feeling creative, you can even invent new excuses, though the ones listed above are tried and true. You may be tempted to take personal responsibility, but part of the magic of channeling is that you never have to take any personal responsibility for what you've said, you can always blame it on the being you're channeling.
Lastly, you'll need to include at least a little bit of truth in your channelings. Something about Human Consciousness draws people towards Higher Truths, so to get people to believe something spiritual, you'll have to include something true. Much like religion though, you'll only need a tiny bit. If you don't have any personal connection to Truth, don't worry you, can still channel, just make sure to include some standard spiritual rhetoric like "Believe in yourself" within the messages.
And that's it! Everything you need to know to channel!
(Channeled from Archangel Michael, he made me write this)
Please note that this is written as satire, though it is based upon many years of noticing patterns in channeled messages. There are many channelings full of good information, and there's also many channelings filled with pure fantasy. Please don't take this too seriously.
Great article!
Very well done. I think channelling can very dangerous - a little knowledge like a little truth is a dangerous thing! I am reading a good book at the moment called Beyond ideas and forms - the Real You and it likened much channelling to dialling a phone line without having the right number so you are never entirely sure who is on the other end of the line! Firstly maybe some of us do contact real guides etc. I think I did but it soon got distorted and contaminated and I think some archon beings in the astral got hold of the line and they wreaked havoc in my life. They actually led me into a trap to a gang of criminals but they spun me this spiritual stuff that it was my time of abundance self empowerment and miracles! I almost don;t channel much now from time to time only - nor do I read channels so avidly as before, I think all have distortions, especially those in trance state. Yes, some great stuff has come through channels, I think the best I have read are Law of One and Cosmic Awareness - at least some 70 80 % is very good stuff but there is certainly static on the line and interference from channellers subconscious and maybe psi ops lower astral deceiving angels - how they love to play god they live to deceive us. We are a in a snake pit down here it is hard to get a pure line to the Divine but we can but try - safest thing is prayer and surrender directly to Christ and Source - go deep into ones own Heart and Soul there alone truth resides. Maybe not always what our egos want to hear or maybe not always will it pan out in this world as guided but essentially we can always commune and be one with who we are at the highest level if we are humble and sincere and clear as we can be. We do need healing however that is profound to clear the heart of its karmic woundings and traumas and distortions. Hence I recommend Implant removal and good healers like Crystal Andasola, and herbal crystal and blessed water back up!
This is an awesome post
I really liked reading this.
Too many promises that never seem to be fruitful and rehashing of vague messages rewording over and again...
If I wanted to listen to politicians, I would damn it!
Love Light And Self Discovery
-Zac Keith
ALWAYS reconized most
ALWAYS reconized most channelers as actors, pretenders and scammers! Sahlute! :-)
Love NaGeeTah
As I began reading this, I became more and more furious about it until I got to the sentence at the bottom being a satire. That calmed me down a bit. I am in full agreement that there are many fake channelers out there and I have noticed and can spot them over the last 2 years of reading them. What they say, never comes to pass and you waste your time reading them unless you really know who they are. Long ago, I started automatic writing and a year ago I began channeling. At first I didn't realize what was going on with me with this sudden knowledge that was coming out of my brain and mouth that I hadn't been taught in this lifetime. Then after a while I calmed down and realized it was what was called channeling. I didn't know exactly whom I was channeling, but I knew I was. I presume it is my higher self that I channel when it occurs. I don't push or post channelings because I don't believe in playing with peoples emotions and lives in general this way. A person whom is very vulnerable will believe anything anyone tells them if it makes them feel better. This is control and abuse. It is wrong. Thank you for exposing fake channelers.
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check out AWESOME!!