will's picture

DEAR FRIENDS- Everyone on Planet Earth is looking for love. Deep inside our bodies, hearts and spirits we all long for that passionate, powerful, thrilling, enlivening- and lasting- connection with a true mate of our soul.

For most of us this longing is yet to be fulfilled- and that includes those who are already in a relationship!

As a psychotherapist and spiritual guide, people often ask me questions about love, sex and relationships. And the ones they ask the most- the ultimate mysteries of joyful connectedness- are these.

How can I find my soul mate? How can my relationship stay sexually passionate and fulfilling over time? How can love last?

While each of us is different and unique, we are also all the same in a fundamental way. And so in replying to these ultimate questions I always tell people this: the key to finding your soulmate, and to making love and passion last, is to connect with, liberate, accept and truly love YOURSELF more and more every day.

Why is this inevitably so? Because an amazing, growing, sexually satisfying, deeply loving and lasting relationship with another can only be sustained by two people who are are already open-hearted, sexually free and essentially happy- from within. Otherwise- tragically and through no fault of their own- their unconscious pain and childhood conditioning will eventually sabotage and drain the love and passion from the connection.

The more you are in a state of inner freedom and happiness- from releasing all self-defeating attitudes and behaviors and unconditionally loving yourself- the more you will attract a person who feels that way about you. And he/she will be able to receive all the love and passion you have to give, with the joyful, self-sustained open-heartedness he/she has already found!

And the more each of you releases your own inner blocks to open-hearted love and full sexual freedom and aliveness, the more joyful your love will become and the hotter your flame of passion will burn as the years go by.

YES- LOVE CAN LAST! AND PASSION TOO! So take the Freedom Path of loving and liberating YOU. And be prepared to have your most beautiful and cherished dreams come true. LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN

Read more of Brian's writings here: