Are you aware of chemtrails? A controversial ‘conspiracy’ topic, chemtrails are chemical sprayings in the air that ultimately expose the population to toxic chemicals and heavy metals. And they are causing harm, even if you don’t think they exist.
A common phrase used for chemtrailing is aerosol spraying. Some claim the aerosol spraying is apart from the engines, and others claim it’s part of jet fuel. It could be both, but however the chemtrail is administered, the liquid used maintains heavy metal particulates as nanoparticles to keep them from clumping together.
When they’re released into the upper atmosphere, the particles retain their nanoparticle size and are easily absorbed as they filter down into the lower atmosphere and into our lungs and vegetation. If you “believe” they don’t exist, then you should take a moment to open your mind and do further research, starting here.
The most common toxic metals reported worldwide are aluminum and barium, discovered by collecting chemtrail residue from air filters, open water containers, creeks and ponds, rain water, and mountain snow.