Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Our hearts are being expanded as we assume our greater roles in helping awaken the planet, and a lot of seekers are learning to remain balanced when stress seems to overwhelm them.
A lot of things can bring us down here on earth, but we don’t have to let them convince us that life can’t still be heavenly. Like I’ve said before, more beauty exists here than most people understand or give this planet credit for, and we only need to open up to it to begin noticing it.
Remaining balanced in the face of the usual stress will strengthen our resolve to handle difficult situations when they come our way, and as we practice our balance, we’ll increase our ability not to protrude from the center.
Being centered enables us to see life through a much more positive lens than ego-fueled disarray ever will. The heart space helps us stay centered so we can feel the divine energy we’re being given, and in doing so, it enables us to enjoy the reality around us in a greater way.
Even lower-dimensional life offers a lot of beauty, but we have to open up to it to really perceive it. We have to open our hearts to the divine and let the blissful perception we’re gaining take over, because if we don’t, we’ll keep trapping ourselves in the struggles of the ego and wishing we could feel something greater.
As long as we make it a point not to protrude from the center, our perception will never stop growing. As long as we continuously seek to understand and act on the truth of our existence, spirit will take notice and flock to us like a bear to honey.
Our higher selves and guides closely monitor everything that happens in our lives with the intent of helping us, and we can call on them any time for assistance in remaining in our center and soaring in the face of pain and difficulty.
Occasionally, they’ll even go out of their way to show us that they’re with us. Our guides will give us occasional blatant signs of their presence, and they’ll always be around to offer their perspective on the difficulties we might face in remaining in our center.
We no longer have to worry about pain or fear taking us under, because we’ve discovered a beautifully profound truth that’s leading us to see ourselves and the reality around us in a new light.
This world doesn’t have to take us out of our center any longer, but as long as we let it, we’ll continue to block the flow of divine energy. As long as we let pain and fear overwhelm us, we’ll only keep experiencing life the way we have been. To quote Graham Dewyea, “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten”.
This is a simple but important truth that I think everyone should be aware of. Changing our lower inclined habits will change our perception of the world around us, but the ego will fight very hard to keep the status quo in place.
The ego will do its best to convince us that we should move away from the center and appease it with finite, mortal things, but now that we’re rooting ourselves in spirit, we can stand strong in the light and endlessly affirm our desire to live in love.
We can repeatedly affirm that we’re strong spiritual beings who are here on a sacred mission to uplift the planet, and to think any less of ourselves is to sell ourselves short. We don’t have to fail to recognize our divinity any longer, and we can remember the importance of our role if our faith in the divine plan starts to wane.
Even though we might fall out of balance every now and then, we’ll never permanently forget that everything is and has always been alright. The earth certainly offers a lot of pain, but beyond this pain exists immense love that we’re ready to open up to and share with everyone around us.
Are you up for the challenge of constantly remaining in a place of balance and enjoying this existence instead of dreading it? We’re encouraged to make the most of our experiences here and soak up all of the knowledge, both physical and etheric, that we can, and we’re given plenty of support with this aspect of our mission.
Even though the challenges the earth offers can be difficult, we don’t have to let them bring us under and we’re given much, much more help than we understand. Our higher selves and guides aren’t about to see us falter, and instead, they’re ready to see us thrive like never before.
They’re excited to see us act on the energy we’re being given and emerge out into the world to be immense forces for positive change, and their desire to see us build a new world fuels all of the assistance they lovingly offer.
By turning within and refraining from letting the tactics of the lower mind bring us down, we’ll open up to our guides and all of the support they’ve been giving. Every moment is an opportunity to practice staying centered, and we’re constantly offered new challenges and opportunities to hone our discipline.
Feel free to get out there and practice, because spirit will throw plenty of things our way that are intended to test our ability to remain in a loving place. We can do it, and we don’t have to let ourselves think anything else, no matter what the fading ego tells us.
Wes Annac – Happy to write about things that’ll help us enjoy our evolution.
I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.
The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.
I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia, Lightworkers.org, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Aquarius Paradigm), and Twitter.
Where have all the posts and
Where have all the posts and posters of GFP gone? fathermothergod, desert gypsy, silver etc.
They disconnected from the
They disconnected from the rest of us here, not sure exactly what's going on with them. Last I heard they're channeling "the Elohim" through a pendulum and it told them ascension is coming this year. They wouldn't quite give me the full story.
Thanks Will. That being the
Thanks Will. That being the case I would've thought that it would be more crucial for them to keep this site going as we all want to help as many people as possible ascend this year!
If by "disconnected
If by "disconnected themselves" he means "the GFP banned them, conducted an aggressive smear campaign, interrogated/ran-off anyone friendly to her, deleted all valuable messages from the elohim regarding the ascension of mankind, and helped itself to the donations raised by her awakening sessions", then yes... she has "disconnected" herself. It's amazing how accurate pendulum warnings are sometimes. It's okay tho, we still love you unconditionally Will, Isis, and FG... and will never stop loving you unconditionally no matter how ego-oriented you get sometimes. All is progressing according to divine mandate, and all is well.
MotherGod, and the rest of the First Contact Ground Crew Team have fully reorganized and are in full swing. Our new site is about two/half weeks young, doesnt even have a domain name yet, and is already at the 25,000 hit mark with over 350 active subscribers and 2000+ hits a day. We are growing at an amazing rate and would love to welcome you nigelkdx200 to our site (since you inquired) dedicated solely to the message and the means of LOVE ALWAYS EVER PRESENT, ASCENSION, and the COCREATION OF OUR NEW EARTH IN 5D FREQUENCIES. We plant our Roots in Love, and Love nourishes. Love is Simple.
<links removed>
be sure to visit and bookmark asap, as I have no doubt this reply will be erased.
I meant what I said, MG did
I meant what I said, MG did disconnect from us. We had a friend over there when it happened, and he told us that the pendulum told her not to speak with us anymore. We didn't hear about any of this directly because MG disconnected from us. We did remove her ability to post to the front page afterwards, since she wouldn't tell us what was going on. We requested that she talk to us before we reinstated her account, but she never did. I think part of her knew we were going to follow her through this again after the past two "ascensions" didn't work out so well (2011 & 2012).
I have run no "aggressive smear campaign", that's just nonsense. We've had a few people ask what's going on, and I've commented with my side of the story. I'm not going to make any major public posts about all of this, it would just create needless drama.
I only deleted a couple messages, her "Awakening Sessions" post, her most recent update, and something that was just a repost of an older message with "the Elohim" edited in and "Mother and FatherGod" removed. Most everything she's posted is still on the site, "deleted all valuable messages from the elohim" is simply not true.
As far as donations go, we had agreed to split them. They're not just donations for her sessions, it's donations for the site too, all combined together. It seems like many of the major donators were contacted and asked to donate to MG directly instead, since they've stopped giving to us. We even refunded a few hundred dollars because people asked us to, I assume those went to her, though I have no proof of that.
And to be open, KG has been blocked from the site. We have no desire for this kind of fanaticism anymore, those who want to follow a pendulum can go do so elsewhere. We're not going to be linking to MG's site here though, we're not going to feed into that.
Love NaGeeTah
that wasnt fanatical... he stated things from his point of view... and gave you a blessing. So much for the free press part of things
He's defending his leader,
He's defending his leader, and repeating stories that he was indirectly involved in, it's mostly someone else's point of view. That's a bit fanatical.
I don't exactly feel blessed by him, he accused me of running a smear campaign, interogating people, deleting valuable "ascension" messages, and taking money. Then when he says he loves me, he says I'm ego-oriented... I don't feel very blessed by passive aggression.
MG's Site
~~And to be open, KG has been blocked from the site. We have no desire for this kind of fanaticism anymore, those who want to follow a pendulum can go do so elsewhere. We're not going to be linking to MG's site here though, we're not going to feed into that.
Blocking KG from this site is entirely your call. However shouldn't the link to their new site be left live just in case people want to check it out? At the end of the day it's up to each individual to decide whether GFP and/or MG's new site resonate with them.
I've been emailing the link
I've been emailing the link to those who have requested it, so we're not blocking them entirely, just not helping to spread her new site publicly. The current GFP team does not endorse what she's spreading.
Hi Will, please email me the
Hi Will, please email me the link.
Comment to EVERYONE! - It's
Comment to EVERYONE! - It's sad to see the bickering going on between the various light factions. Rather than playing into the hands of the cabal why don't we put aside our differences and work towards a common goal, Victory to the light!!! So what if it's using a pendulum or channeling etc etc, these are just tools of the trade (Not one's that I can currently use). Yes, there is plenty of disinformation out there too. However the 3 tools everyone has at their disposal is Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. So lets forget about who's right or wrong and bring more Love, Compassion and Forgiveness to this situation and any situation that needs it! I shall do my part by consistently raising my vibration (consciousness ) so that in turn it raises the collective consciousness and the consciousness of those in my immediate proximity. Lots of love from your fellow brother! XXX