DEAR FRIENDS- Your soul is forever whispering to you- "Let go and..... TRUST"! I developed this meditation to free you from the burden of crippling worry and fear. Using it regularly will awaken you to the truth- that fear isn't necessary, it is only a painful habit in the body and the mind. And any habit can be released through the power of courage and Unconditional Self-Love.
Use this meditation practice whenever you are worrying and afraid. Over time and with repetition, it will enable you to relax and permanently release the knot of chronic fear that everyone struggles with. I know you can do it!
First, feel your feet on the ground and gently locate the tension/constriction of fear in your body. Allow yourself both to observe, and feel, the physical sensation of the fear. Don't judge or avoid the feeling of fear in any way. Simply connect to it, and open your heart to the ache and tension of your fear with tenderness and compassion.
It is crucial to connect to the physical/emotional feeling of fear in your body, aided by feeling your feet on the ground. This is because for the fear release to be permanent and life-changing, you must let go not only in your mind, but in your body as well.
Next, breathe gently into where you feel afraid. Imagine that you are breathing in trust, and breathing out the fear.
On some days your breath may not move freely through the places in your body where you are tense with fear. It will be as if the movement of your breath is "running into a stone". When this occurs there is no need to panic or breathe with extra force. Stay gentle with yourself, and let each wave of breath wash up against the knot of tension. Have faith in this: over time the waves of the sea will wash away even a mountain.
When you have centered yourself in this way, say these words to yourself- out loud if you are alone, in your mind if you need privacy.
- "I completely trust myself, and the path of my life".
- "All is well, and all will surely be well".
This is the voice of your Soul, that is always whispering to you from beneath the tension of your fear!
Repeat these words a number of times, looking to let go of the worrying thoughts, and to relax and let go in your entire body- especially in your heart area.
You may sometimes feel the need to cry. Have faith in this emotional and physical release. Crying is our heart's and body's primal mechanism of letting go. The permanent, life-changing release of fear will eventually involve deep sobbing and crying. Surrender to your tears of relief and release, like a lost child that has found its Mother. Trust your body and go with the flow!
This meditative vibration has enabled me to release my fear at the core level. May it help you see and feel that you need not be afraid- that worry and fear are only habit, and permanent freedom from fear is truly possible for you! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
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