What You Should Know About the Hemp Amendment, Even if You Don’t Use Marijuana

Isis Ra's picture

Whether you associate hemp with the worn-out Cheech and Chong stereotype or you realize that even Oprah, Maya Angelo, and famously so, Bill Clinton have admitted to enjoying their Cannabis Sativa L., you will want to know just why the cultivation of industrial hemp is so important to this country. Here’s what you should know about the hemp amendment and how this years Farm Bill provides a hemp victory.

Emotion instead of reason has been the driving force behind the outlaw of Cannabis, including industrial hemp, to date. In fact, the NY Times recently reported that pharmaceutical drugs kill far more people than ‘illegal’ drugs do, and cocaine and heroin were included in the study to back this up. People who partake of marijuana don’t act, or have the same neurochemistry as someone on crack, but that is beside the point.

Industrial hemp isn’t medical marijuana. There is a distinction to be made, here, even though it comes from the same plant. The THC levels in industrial hemp are so low that you’d have to smoke a truckload of it to get high. Industrial hemp wouldn’t even get a rap artist high. It also contains another cannabinoid that blocks the ‘high’ someone might get, called CBD.