Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
Planetary Grid Transmissions
A Leap of Faith As Spiritual beings, we live in a state of timelessness... a sacred space of thoughts and feeling where the gifts of Divine Truth and Faith grow stronger and more beautiful in every moment as we reside within perfected patterns of the immaculate concept.
We have had many guides, tools and beneficial relationships with the self and others that have brought us to this current level of clarity and understanding.I n order to sincerely progress and to truly live as free sovereign beings, small and gentle steps are necessary to unplug, break out, and dismantle ourselves from the container of this illusion.
From this process, our sole focus becomes a great responsibility to the cause and effect of our unique individuality, as well as the collective in the many facets of being. With a deep meditative act of self inquiry into our feelings of truth, it becomes quite clear that life, as we have been living it, is the illusion and it is now slowly dissolving as we allow a greater level of Divine Alignment to occur.
Imagine the act of unwavering faith that is involved... leaping empty handed into the void with total trust that one will be supported. This very act is a testament to ones spiritual attunement to the Will of God.
The stargate portals burst open on the greatly anticipated date of 11:11:11 and the new light codes of transfiguration and regeneration continuously shower the planet and the human race. As we now begin to develop our Avatar skills and integrate all that is being downloaded, we must take a hard and realistic look at all the technologies and stimulus of our material world.
The purity and unity of Nature is a Divine Reflection |
The human race has de-evolved into a genetic program of gross insanity, dependent and addicted upon outer stimulations to reward the illusion of separated identity. We are kidding ourselves to think that we are advancing into 5th dimensional beings when we are still attached to these sensory stimulations.
We can only understand so much through the use of intellect. At some point we have to lay down our tools and our gadgets, lay aside our perceived "path" and all the dependencies of the mind itself, and make our way back to the still point. When we experience this still point, we may bear witness to true metamorphic change in areas such as the brain, the blood and the nervous system.
Moving out of the matrix means letting go of all the dependencies out there that we use in order to continue to support the 3rd dimensional illusion. Obviously this includes all techno-devices that keep us wired to the electric grid but also our belief patterns, our deities, and our plethora of new age tools. These were the tools and instruction that have graciously supported us thus far. However, it is now time to move and expand ourselves and our innate gifts, such as telepathy, much further.
Where do we Begin to Unplug?
We begin one step, one day at a time. Perhaps we start by setting aside one day each week to "unplug" from electronic devices and to slowly increase this. departure. Or we might limit our plugged in time each day to certain hours and methodically decrease the time.
We start out with baby steps and all the while we increase our time in the natural world, our time seeking the still point. Get out and hug trees, lay on Mother Earth to harmonize your heartbeat with hers, sun gaze or bathe or swim in natural and unpolluted waters.
Our DNA is downloading our Christ Avatar blueprint and we are making conscious choices about diet and seeking nurturing environments, but many of us... the world servers, the way-showers, the first-wavers are dependent upon mechanical devices to do the most simple thing in the Cosmos... to meditate!
We are a loving species and wish to unfold into the Avatars and guardians of our new earth with the new codes of the 5th dimensional frequencies.
During our recent New Moon focus of Silence for Grid Transmissions, several questions were received from members unsure regarding to how to participate without an audio-support. Even among the Oracles, we have had a passionate discussion regarding the giving up of recorded music during our meditations. All music is "vibrational light" and a healing gift of the Cosmos so there is no actual objection to music, only to the dependency on it and the use of earphones and electrical devices.
Our training wheels must come off! We must begin to practice our Avatar Divine Blueprint skills that we have recently downloaded and really step inside and try to decode our inner skills and wisdom. We may use our body and all it's elements including voice, movement and visualization to connect. Shamans use music and rhythm in sacred ceremony to create energy that brings in the Divine. Our ancestors used dance, drumming and yoga to induce the meditative state. Walking, labyrinths or running can also bring one to the desired still point.
The Oracles are here to share their views and methods of meditation, however, as Children of the Sun representing One Group Soul, we all agree on the following steps to consider:
Our divining power rod...feeling the connection to Earth's core through the core of our being and then though our Heart and up to Source.
Visualization of the 3-fold flame and seeing our inner Sun radiate unconditional love from the heart center automatically increases our frequencies. We moving into the Heart-Mind, focusing on the heart-beat and knowing this is God.
Turning on the Pineal Gland:
Connecting to the Crystalline Grid, Group Soul and the Unified Field: This may be visualized as a brilliant Sun, the Maltese Cross, the Merkabah, the Torus Field of Sacred Geometry, or many other ways.
Wisdom from the Oracles
![]() ~ Hope DeVenuto
Merging Into Oneness with the Unified Field
When we master the techniques of pure, raw meditation and have unplugged from the artificial grid of illusion so we may sustain our subtle and physical bodies purely from the cosmic magnetics of the Earth and the Stars, we merge into oneness with the Unified Field of Living Light.
Let go, Children of the Sun! Trust the process. |