It’s no secret that when society, as a whole starts thinking outside the box, or starts to question what’s really happening on the planet it faces a fierce opposition. It’s also no secret that authority figures throughout history have ridiculed ideas that simply did not fit the frame. In our not so distant past, new ideas and understandings were harshly opposed by those in control. A great example is Galileo, who was convicted (and worked banned) from the public domain, and labelled as crazy. Scientists during this time were also sought after and killed. Have things really changed today? Is the pharmaceutical industry another means of condemning and altering those who think outside the box?
**For those who believe this title is misleading, I think it’s great to open ones mind to the possibility that many psychiatric labels are used to push drugs, and discourage free/alternative thought. I believe many are made up in order to do so. At the same time, I believe there are people who experience very real differences that we have yet to understand. The science behind many “mental illnesses” is also very weak. Again, we understand very little and have much to learn.
“The nail that sticks up will be hammered down.” – Japanese Proverb
The Rosenhan experiment
David Rosenhan: Being Sane in Insane Places
Psychiatry Is Fake Science-The Thud Experiment Proof