Let me start by saying that nobody knows the facts about Jesus, because we were not alive, so absolutely everything we believe is based strictly off what we are taught by our parents or churches. To blindly believe everything we hear is like playing the game telephone and defensively and forcefully saying it's impossible the message had changed by the end, even though it's impossible to know what the original message was. That being said, here is what I think about Jesus.
Jesus was a human being. He did not walk on water, change water into wine, miraculously heal people, etc. He was a great person. He was kind, generous, loving, compassionate, and people during that time spoke highly of him for that. The church made up the fact that Jesus did all these things for one reason: control. The catholic church is a sick, disgusting, power-hungry, corrupt organization, and to blindly follow everything said by an organization who money launders millions of dollars, rapes little boys, etc. is a pretty ignorant thing to do. The church from what I see says this: "Be like Jesus, even though it's impossible because he walked on water, etc." But what if Jesus was just a humanitarian? Someone who put others before himself, someone who did not want followers but co-creators. Then we actually could be like Jesus, which scares people from what I have seen. But instead people get defensive and try to force their beliefs on others, but guess what? I doubt that is what Jesus would do. Jesus would let you believe whatever you want, be whoever you want, and love you for it. He did not force his beliefs upon others, he treated everyone with kindness regardless of race, social status, amount of money, etc.
Another thing I would like to touch on is the whole "Jesus is our savior" thing. I will probably get a lot of shit for this, but frankly I don't care. To think one man took on all of our "sins" is so disgusting and rude I can't even explain it using words. Why can't people take responsibility for their own actions, instead of pawning it off on someone else, let alone someone like Jesus? When Jesus was alive, he was trying to help people discover the divinity within themselves, because everyone has it within them to be like Jesus. Jesus just touched into his true self, and saw past the illusions presented by the government of the time period. If Jesus was truly our savior, then we would have realized by now that we are all God, expressed as billions, who have amnesia to our divinity. I know many people find it hard to believe that we are all just like Jesus on the inside, but that is simply caused by conditioning and programming by the powers that be. Did you ever notice that it was called "television programming" for a reason? And don't even get me started on the education system. If Jesus was looking down on us right now, he'd probably be shaking his head, like a parent who tells their child not to do something over and over again and yet they do it anyway. He wants us to discover our divinity, not keep dwelling on his. We have the power to make this planet everything we want it to be, but that won't happen until we stop letting it be ruled by 1% of the population who has 99% of everything. We have been conditioned for generations, which is why it is hard to get out of, but if we start to discover our true selves, our true divinity, we can change this planet into the heaven on Earth that it can be.
"We used to say, "Give me liberty, or give me death." Now we say, "Make me a SLAVE, just pay me enough"."
The Truth never Changes
My name was MANU and my father was called HEAVEN in my language; thus his kingdom was the Kingdom of Heaven. My mother was Egyptian and in her culture it was believed that my grandfather (the Pharaoh) was God.
When the Romans invaded Judea, our kingdom was compromised and I organized a revolt against the Roman Empire. At that time Rome was without an emperor and I was the most qualified candidate to fill that position. However, I lost the revolt by a technicality and every Jew was exiled from Judea as the consequence for rising up against Rome.
Out of spite, the new emperor contracted a Jewish historian to construct a document which we know today as THE NEW TESTAMENT. Every record of me and my family was destroyed by the Romans and the only evidence that I existed, is thought to be sacred by followers of the largest religion the world has ever known. That dynamic is called KARMA.
... and I thank you for expressing your thoughts on the concept regarding my "dying for everyone's sins" because nothing is more narcissistic than believing anyone should die for someone else's accountability.
Not literal, but metaphoric
I Think everyone should look into Bill Donahue on youtube.
He describes the 'hidden meanings' of the bible in a esoteric and metaphysical way.
e.g. (not necessarily a fact) Maybe walking on water meant a higher level of consciousness
Everything about what you said was perfect!...because it's how you feel deeply. I truly enjoyed reading it and it works well with all that I believe as well. You are so right about no one actually being there, or more accurately...no one "remembering" being there and what happened exactly or what was said by whom. It is utterly pointless arguing about what Jesus was like, what he said or didn't say, or whether he existed at all really. You described very nicely what you felt Jesus would have said, to suit your concept of him, and this is all any of us can or should do. We can only try to live in the highest concept of the Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Mohammed/? consciousness that we can conceive. Namaste
Jesus thoughts
Thank you Isis. I loved your thoughts on Jesus and I agree. To me, seeing our own divinity and evolving spiritually is what he was trying to show us. Not suffering, torture and lack of responsibility.Sometimes the greatest truths take the longest to be understood and lived.