~ ELDERS DECEMBER 2011 TRANSMISSION Through Anrita Melchizedek ~
Welcome my precious family and friends,
Another earthly year is coming to an end, and yet in terms of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and non-linear time, we are in the midst of one of the most exciting and unprecedented Now moments on this earth plane; of creating Heaven on Earth. Of collectively merging realities and all levels of consciousness through Divine Love. It is an awakening process into truly being co-creators to the Company of Heaven and sacred Flames of Divine Love. And what a journey it has been, and continues to be. As these multidimensional Master Beings, we are dreaming our realities into Creation, and on this earthplane, collectively birthing the Golden Age of Light through our Light, our magnificence.
The 11-11-11 Portal of Divine Love has propelled us into another level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness through the new DNA encodings of Light activated at that time, and the anchoring, activation, and now integration of these fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love, in creating the blueprint of Light for this new Earth.
What is now being experienced is almost a sense of a "Cosmic Pause" for Lightworkers, a time of just being to recalibrate our frequencies in vibrational attunement to these higher dimensional frequencies, and truly step into a deeper level of the Divine Feminine archetype within and with this, the Divine Masculine archetype within. We are further being offered an opportunity to clear these old false beliefs and judgments within the body and energy field, primarily that of the "suppression of the Divine Feminine" and 'control and power issues" by standing more deeply in our own power as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And when we have personally recalibrated and activated these higher dimensional frequencies within ourselves, we are able to assist all Life on this earth plane.
This ascension process is completely unique, and has never been experienced in quite this way before. Previously in ascending, we left the physical form behind, and now we are ascending on-masse in our physical forms, as we build our multidimensional Bodies of Light, our I AM Avatar Blueprints of Light. As we integrate the Divine Light of our I AM Presence within our physical bodies and energy field within this holographic matrix of Light, and connect through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, we experience the activation of the new DNA encodings of Light. We experience the carbon based cells spinning in increased frequencies of Light taking on the energetic crystalline blueprints of Light. We experience the recalibration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and the merging of the Divine Masculine and Feminine archetypes of Light within ourselves. We experience ourselves as these Flames of Divine Love as the heart becomes the center within which we live. We experience the chakras merging in one unified column of Light and the merging within ourselves as Twin Flames as the kundalini and tantric energies are activated. And indeed, too, we are affecting and creating change on this earthplane simply by our Beingness and assisting all Life to ascend. And we are doing this collectively in this Now, after many thousands of years. This is somewhat of a pretty amazing and unprecedented Now moment, so if you need to take a moment or two to recalibrate through the in-breath of these higher dimensional frequencies, that is OK too. J
In this channeling, the Elders take you on a beautiful journey through the Ray Ashrams of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness, as well as work with clearing power and control issues related to the "suppression of the Divine Feminine". We are further asked to create our own Portals of Light, our own Stargates within our homes and work environment and they provide tools as to how this can be done connecting through a Pillar of Light to our Christed Overselves of the Light. What I further understand is that we can create these Stargates of Light within each room of our house or office environment if we like, or we can create simply one primary Portal of Light.
As many of you know, I was in Sedona for the 11-11-11 Portal Activation of Divine Love with the Gaia and Tribe conference set up by Solara An-Ra. This was truly a most amazing time, connecting with so many star family and friends of the Light, and further to this, to be connecting with you all at this time. I have heard from so many people their powerful experiences at this time as collectively we connected through the One Unity Grid of Divine Love in these vortex activations and new DNA activations of Light.
One of the highlights for me was the DNA Activation and Actualization Process I facilitated with the Sedona Light Tribe. This ended by being taken in Soul consciousness into the twelve Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, chanting in the language of Light, and allowing for each Light Being present to add their own Soul note. The Elders feel this is an important one in grounding these new keycodes of Light, so in the ending of this transmission, take you into the experience of the activating the new DNA encodings of Light through the Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, and I invite you to add your own Soul notes to this experience.
I am hosting a teleseminar this Saturday on "Experiencing the Divine Feminine" as well as another one at the end of the month through the Elders on the "Cosmic Focus for 2012", so please consider joining should you be interested.
I have also included a few You Tube links of the Sedona event. My dear friend, Rev. AliceAnn, one of my precious assistants at the Sedona conference (and transcriber to this Elders transmission) has put together a beautiful newsletter on this event, post 11-11-11, and I have added it to the downloads section on the website, in which you will also find the Mp3 channeling from the Elders. I would also like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to Rev. Ann for her assistance at the conference, Solara An-Ra and to all of you, my precious friends and family of the Light, as together we anchored and ground these fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love for ourselves and all Life on this earth plane. I truly appreciate and Love each one of you.
Season's greetings.
From my Heart to your Heart to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
Blessings in Love
Anrita Melchizedek
Sedona Conference Links
11-11-11 Gaia and Tribe Ceremony
Journey into the Ray Ashrams by Anrita Melchizedek
DNA Activation by Anrita Melchizedek
Post Sedona 11-11-11 Newsletter by Rev. AliceAnn
Through Anrita Melchizedek
Mp3 download: http://www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm
December 6, 2011
Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now. And what an incredible moment in time! As you truly anchor and activate these fifth dimensional energies of Divine Love; these zero field energies that you, sweet ones, as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, are anchoring and activating on this earthplane. What is being experienced, sweet ones, is certainly a great deal more grace in many of the lessons to be experienced individually for Lightworkers and Starseeded ones. However, from a planetary perspective, sweet ones, what these energies are bringing through this unified field of Divine Love, is a clearing of old planetary contracts. And, we bring this to your attention, for indeed, the importance of this work cannot be underestimated and you may personally be experiencing the shift of these old planetary contracts through the essence of the shift of yourself in terms of your relationships, in terms of 'where' you are geographically, in terms of your service work, or other areas within your life that need to be addressed.
The old planetary contract, which is being disintegrated and being lifted into this unified field of Divine Love is that of "suppression of the Divine Feminine". Sweet ones, it is important as you look within your own lives and what is mirrored within your reality, that you are no longer experiencing issues of power and control, compromise of Self - financially or emotionally, being abused or being the abuser.
This energy is further seen on a planetary level certainly in the destabilization of many of the financial institutes; and, these power and control issues are again are coming up to be transmuted. This starts with each one of you, sweet ones, as you truly open to the Divine Feminine within yourselves. And we speak, not in terms of coming through in male or female embodiment.
Of course those in female embodiment will hold an energy matrix of cellular memories through the "abuse of the Divine Feminine". But both the men and women are coming into this essence of experiencing Divine Love, of experiencing all that you are as these sacred, transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And it is the energy Overlighting this year, 2011, through this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of "Illumined Truth" and "Divine Love" and through the new DNA encodings that will assist you in truly transcending all that is not of the Light, which is primarily power and control issues that have created the suppression of the Divine Feminine.
We would like to start, sweet one, by placing you in this Ashram of Illumined Truth. As you enter in soul-consciousness into this Ascension Seat and Ashram of Light, you are surrounded in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of "Divine Love" and Illumined Truth". The energy of this Ray activates all the chakras of the body; and, in particular the heart chakra and third eye. Come into this place within yourself of self-love and self-nurturing and self-appreciation; truly experience yourself as this Flame of Divine Love. For this is what you are, sweet one, this Master Being, this sacred custodian and caretaker to Mother-Earth and all her Life, and you are 'here' to affect and create change within your reality and geographical location, simply by your beingness.
As these keycodes have been activated through the One-Unity Grid, this 144 Crystalline Grid of One Unity Consciousness, you are able to truly receive a deeper level of Divine Love within all areas of your Life. As you build the I-AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, as you create the Etheric Electronic Body of Light, and with this too, build the Multi-Dimensional Bodies of Light.
Now, sweet one, you find yourself surrounded by all the Divine Feminine archetypes of the Light. Mother Mary, Pallas Athena, Lady Quan Yin, Lady Nada, Lady Portia, the Archangelic Counterparts, Michaela, Gabriella, Uriella, Raphaella, Zadkiella, Chamuella, and Jophiella - Call now upon all the Divine Feminine archetypes you personally acknowledge.
As you come into the heart, and with this, into the energy of the beautiful Golden Solar Sun Disc within your heart, activated and connected to these Golden Solar Sun Discs within the One-Unity Grid of Divine Love. This Golden Solar Sun Disc within your heart, sweet one, is the Inner Sun, connecting you to this frequency of Divine Love on all dimensions as well as the gateway of connection into the Central Sun and Great Central Sun. Feel this activation within your heart, sweet one, and as you do, look at your current reality. Stand in your power as this transfiguring Flame of Divine Love; and have a look if there are any issues of power and control you are still working on.
Do you still have people, friends, family or colleagues within your reality that say cruel or unkind words to you? Do you play out the victim and persecutor consciousness? Do you play out the abuser or that being abused? - These power and control issues perpetuate this planetary contract, primarily as oppression of the Divine Feminine. And this is coming to an end now. Wrapped in this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love, decord yourself from these old energies, people, places that bring through this duality consciousness; that create this lesser-than and better-than consciousness; this victim-persecutor consciousness. Create your boundaries in discernment, sweet one, and have a look if there is any level within yourself that still compromises for financial reasons, for emotional reasons; any level where you are not truly standing in your Light.
Surrounded in the magnificence of this beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of Divine Love and Illumined Truth and the Divine Feminine archetypes of Light and the Overlighting of the Divine Mother - TRUST and Surrender now! To all that you are as this precious, sacred magnificent, transfiguring Flame of Divine Love. Release these issues, sweet ones. Do not allow yourself to be abused. And with this come into mindful awareness of choosing not to be the abuser. Do not get caught in these power and control issues. And as you transmute this within yourself, as you say "No more", you effectively assist in dissolving these duality energies and allowing all Life the experience of themselves as these Flames of Divine Love.
Sweet ones, as you move into this energy of 2012, you are surrounded by the beautiful Golden Flame of "One Unity" Consciousness, and with this, stepping into a deeper level of the experience of the Divine Feminine. It is the merger of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within your Self that creates this level of wholeness. And what is happening now between this time and June of 2012, is that you have the opportunity to truly experience the Divine Feminine archetype within yourself in ALL your magnificence, in ALL your preciousness, as you enter into the Venus transit. As this occurs, sweet one, the connection that has been activated through Lake Titicaca, in particular, as this vortex of the Divine Feminine and this connection into Venus and the Sun is amplified. And the experience of lifting yourself into a deeper permeation of Divine Love is available for you, as it is for all humanity.
So you are given this timeline, sweet one, to integrate the Divine Feminine, to truly experience your magnificence and preciousness; and with this 'have' the experience of merging with the Divine Feminine within and expressing this within relationships too. This Venus transit with the Sun further brings through the merging of the Twin Suns. For you have, not one physical Sun, but two, sweet ones. And in December of 2012, as you lift yourself into this Galactic Core, through the union of the Sun, the Central Sun and the Great Central Sun; as you become these Solar Beings of Light through the Overlighting of the First Cosmic Ray of "Solar Service" or the Thirteenth Ray of "Solar Service", what you will experience, sweet ones, is the merging of the Twin Suns and within this the full merging of the experience of the Divine Feminine and Masculine within yourself.
We take you now into this Twelfth Ray of "One Unity Consciousness". This Ray, sweet ones, further connects you into this Unity Grid, this 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love. And it is through this experience that you connect to the other Lightworkers and Starseeded Ones, to your Star Family and friends in this essence of Divine Love.
Feel yourself connected now to these Lightworkers and Starseeded Ones, to your Soul and Star Families of the Light and to all the Being of Light from on High assisting in this ascension process. What you are further ask to do in this Now, sweet one, is build your personal stargates of Light within your houses and within your offices to assist and anchoring these fifth dimensional zero-field energies of Divine Love and with this, allow this experience for all Life. To do this, you work with both the Eleventh Ray of "Illumined Truth" and Divine Love: and the Twelfth Ray of "One Unity Consciousness".
For a moment now, find yourself in this sacred space, choose a place that you spend the most time, at home and in your office. Start with the house first, sweet one. Choose a place whether it be the healing room or the bedroom or the lounge or the office. As you stand in your magnificence as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, bring through a beautiful Pillar of Light, around you. This Pillar of Light connects you into the energy of your Higher Self of the Light, your Christed Overself of the Light, your Mighty I-AM Presence. Breathe this Light through the body, sweet one, as this first-wave Soul in human embodiment of the I-AM Avatar Blueprint of Light. For what you are building now is the group I-AM Avatar Body of Light.
And now, take this energy into the Crystal Heart of Mother-Earth, grounding yourself into the energy of Mother-Earth. Focus now on the inner Sun within the inner Earth, connect to this sacred, Divine Flame of Love and Solar Christ Consciousness. Bring this energy up, connect it to the beautiful Golden Solar Sun Disc within your heart, your Inner Sun. Connect now into the physical Sun and experience, too, the start of the merging of the Twin Suns, the Divine Masculine and Feminine through the merging of the physical Suns. Bring your focus now to the Central Sun within the Pleiades and to the Great Central Sun within Sirius. In this sacred space, sweet ones, call now upon all the Being so Light from On High that you personally acknowledge; bring in your Master Guides and your Guardian Angel as you now surround your house and office in the beautiful Pink-Orange Flame of "Illumined Truth and Divine Love". - And now, surround your house in this beautiful Golden Flame of "One Unity Consciousness" as you experience yourself again in this unified field of Divine Love. You find that you are surrounded now by the Divine Masculine Archetypes of the Light. Archangel Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, Zadkiel, Jophiel, and Chamuel come forward; Chohan of the Rays, El Morya, Master Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Master Hilarion, Sananda, Saint Germain, Allah Gobi - All the Divine Masculine Archetypes of Light from On High, connected to the inner Masculine archetype of Light within yourself, sweet ones, through the Overlighting of the Divine Father. Have a knowing of your magnificence, have a knowing of the sense of your sacredness and the preciousness as this transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.
The second Sun, sweet one, connects through your body and energy field in illuminating and activating the DNA, the chakras, the kundalini and tantric energies within the body, opening you up fully into this essence of your magnificence of this Flame of Divine Love and the perfect balance and merging of the Divine Feminine and Masculine Archetypes within yourself. The second Sun, sweet ones, is celebrating the return and union with your physical sun as you become these Solar Beings of Light, as the Earth 'herself' becomes the Spiritual Sun for the solar system.
Have a sense now of this connection to your physical Sun and the second Sun. And with this, experience an activation of the kundalini energies within the body to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow in this safe and sacred space. -- The second Sun, sweet ones, further activates the kundalini and vortices and sacred sites of Mother-Earth. And as the kundalini energy of Mother-Earth moves through the sacred vortices and crystalline cities of Light, it comes to a place of balance in such a way that you experience now this merging of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within yourself; the 'knowing' of truly experiencing all that you are in your magnificence through the tantric immortal nature of yourself as this illumined Flame of Divine Love.
And know that these planetary energies too are shifting as this suppression of the Divine Feminine is lifted. As this Venus transit takes place on June the 6th, 2012 it connects the Sun and Venus to the hearts of all humanity and through this, into the gateway of Lake Titicaca, where the second wave of ascension will occur. You have all ascended on the higher dimensions, sweet ones, and now it is simply what dimensional level you operate from at this point in terms of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, in terms of mindfulness. How much you 'trust' and 'surrender' into the Divine and the experience of All That You Are as this sacred Master Being, allows you to transcend the dualities of this earthplane while anchoring these fifth dimensional energies, the New Earth frequencies of this Golden Age of Light.
And now, sweet ones, we take you back into the experience of these beautiful Golden Solar Sun Disc discs and the new DNA encodings of Light experienced through this, activated at a cellular level within your body and energy field. For truly you 'are' these multi-dimensional Master Beings, and this activation of Light brings through these keycodes of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness in the creation of this Earth, as you bring the Bridge of Light, connecting Heaven and Earth on this earthplane as the physical vessels of Light. As you find yourself within this Unity Grid of Divine Love, you bring your focus now to the Golden Solar Sun Disc disc in the Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas, activated, initially, through this 11:11:11 gateway of Divine Love. Experience yourself traveling now in an external Merkaba of Light as you assist in the core energetic matrix of Divine Light and the creation of the Group I-AM Avatar body of Light. Experience this connecting now to all the Lightworkers and Starseed One all over the globe, as you experience now the new DNA encodings through this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc. And to assist in this activation of this crystalline frequencies, of these keycodes and sacred geometries, we will speak in the language of Light, "Amrach evra-hashee-ta Elech Emassa-ta, Elech Ei-hasha, Elech Emassanna-ta".
You now find yourself in Saint Tomas des Letres in Brazil, experiencing the new DNA encodings of Light through this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc. As you take on a deeper level of these new DNA encodings of Light, sacred geometries and keycodes of Light, we speak in the language of Light, "Amrach ei-hashee-ta Evrech Emahana-sa, Allach ei-shahva".
And now you find yourself in Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, as you experience this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc through the sacred geometries and keycodes and DNA encodings of Light. As they are now re-sequenced and reactivated to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow. We speak in the language of Light, "Amrach ei-hashee-ta Elloch Emassa, Allach ei-mah-sha, Allach innah-sa".
Now find yourself in the Roslyn Chapel in Scotland connected to this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc, taking on these new DNA encodings of Light as we speak in the language of Light, " Allach Eshah, Emroch ellah-ha, Effoch Emma-sha, Erroch esha-ha".
Find yourself now, sweet ones, in the Ural Mountains in Russia, as you experience this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc, take on a deeper level of the knowing of your own magnificence, as these Starseed Ones and Lightworkers, as these sacred Master Beings, down-stepping your energy and vibration to assist in the ascension of Mother-Earth and all her Life, as we speak in the language of Light, "Arrach ei-sha, Elloch Emmaha-sa, Arrach Ei-sha".
Now find yourself in Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia, as these new encodings of Light are further activated, as you experience this fifth dimensional zero-field energy of Divine Love, make this connection into the higher dimensions, anchor the energy of the I-AM Blueprint, the I-AM Avatar Blueprint, as you create this Group I-AM Avatar Blueprint of Light. As we speak in the language of Light, "Arrach Emma-sha, Elloch Inna-sa, Arrach ei-hasha-ta".
Find yourself now in Giza, Egypt, as you connect to this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc, allow it too, to bring through these memories, sweet ones, of activating these new DNA encodings of Light to a level of the knowing of self-mastery as an Initiate of Light. As we speak in the language of Light, "Arrach ei-sha, Evach Immaha, Allach ei-sha-ta, Arrach Imma-sa".
Now find yourself in the energetic matrix of the Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. Have a sense of the expansive interconnectiveness of all Life; have a sense of the experience of Unity Consciousness now as you anchor the energies of the New Earth, as you release all these false beliefs and human mis-creations and reclaim the Divine Feminine within, as we speak in the language of Light, "Allach I-Mahashanna, Evech ie-masa, Arrach ei-sha-matta".
And now, sweet ones, you find yourself in the XiAn Pyramid in China, as you take on these new keycodes of Light and sacred geometries, as you activate the new DNA encodings, ground yourself into the Crystal Heart of Mother-Earth as we speak in the language of Light, "Arrach i-mahasa, Evvech innahasa-hatta, Allah Imma-sa".
You now find yourself in Moorea in French Polynesia. Connecting to this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc, experience the energy of the Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within your heart, your Inner Sun, activating this essence of Divine Love through each cell and molecule in your body and within and around the Unity Grid, as we speak in the language of Light, "Arrach Immaha, Evach ei-sha, Allah imam-hanna-ta".
And now, sweet ones, find yourself in Uluru in Australia, as this Golden Solar Sun Disc disc brings through these new DNA encodings of Light. Experience these new encodings of Light being activated on this earthplane for all Life, as we speak in the language of Light, "Ach-ha Ei-raha-sha, Emmala-hatta, Evra-ei-hashana-ta".
Lastly now, you enter into the vibration of the Golden Solar Sun Disc disc within Sri Lanka and as you do, sweet ones, as you experience the final activation of the re-sequencing of these new DNA encodings of Light, you build the I-AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, your perfected I-AM Avatar Blueprint and Adam-Kadmon blueprint of Light. "Amrach-ei-sha-ta, Ellach imam-hanna-ta, Arach ei-sha, evach imam-hasa-ta".
Wonderful. Now come back into this personal vortex, this stargate of Light you have created in your sacred space, feel this connection within your sacred space of Divine Love and One-Unity through this beautiful sacred personal stargate and vortex of Light you have created, linking you into the Unity Grid of Divine Love. Experience for a moment now, the connection to this Golden Solar Sun Disc discs, into the twelve satellites connected to them, bringing the amplification of the Master Christ Consciousness frequency of 144, and anchor these components of Christ Consciousness into 'your' reality as this transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.
This is truly what you are, sweet ones, these Master Beings, wayshowers and Keepers and Teachers and Healers. And this change is being reflected in all aspects of your realities, mostly done now in deeper levels of grace and harmony . Trust in this process. Trust in this outcome. Let go and let God. You are Divinely supported and uplifted at every level of your beingness. Let go of that which no longer works, which compromises, which suppresses, which takes you into power and control issues. For as you awaken the Divine Feminine within your Selves, you awake the Divine Masculine, and this indeed, too, will affect the energy of "male" consciousness on this earthplane. The misuse and abuse of power and control as you heal the wounded feminine and experience the Divine Feminine in all the magnificence and glory of Divine Love. Truly we honor you as these Maser Beings and Flames of Divine Love. And with this, we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Rev. AliceAnn
Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network www.pleiadianlight.net