~Galactic Love Reporter Maureen Moss~
Dearest Hearts,
As always I pray you are well as the boisterous world as we have known it changes before our very eyes, and a quieting of our world internal, softly pronounces its needs to us in a new way; a way that we can feel. It is a soft, though insistent urgency. A lot is at stake for each of us. Nothing outside of us is more pressing.
We can feel ourselves being unraveled, still, down to our core, and if you notice, simultaneously you can feel yourself being re-woven into golden threads of a new Creation. Let it be so. It is a high honor and privilege.
What we have spoken of for years in theory, prediction and potential, is here. A new reality born out of the chaos of the 3rd dimensional world of illusion, is taking form inside of the great beings of Love and Light that we are.
Finally, we are birthing a world that does not exist in reverse truth. Finally, we are birthing ourselves as a new human being that discovers natural behavior and flow far more appealing than our norm, though it rattles the cages of many. And finally, we are bringing a halt to the internal warring that has existed inside of our beings for more than 26,000 years and from which every war on this planet was created and every illness was born.
We have been pushed to our human limits, on purpose. Final preparations for our re-birth are in place. The year ahead will be our final push out, in and then upward, for quite some time. This act being a most benevolent push from a loving Universe and our very own Advanced Selves. All of Creation awaits our arrival into our magnificence. We matter deeply to the Mother and the Father of Creation that gave us Life.
And we are truly beginning to matter deeply to our selves. Have you noticed that you care about you now, in a deepened more thoughtful way? Have you noticed that you are feeling, more than thinking about what you your spirit needs, rather than turning a deaf ear?
Have you noticed how much you are craving love, Self-Love? What a beautiful craving, at last. And, are you indulging yourself with your craving?
Have you noticed how we are noticing each other more now as a part of ourselves, rather than apart from ourselves, often looking in fascination at the “many me’s” that we are?
Have you noticed that you are not willing to sacrifice yourself any longer, in any way, because it doesn’t feel natural? Have you noticed that your feelings mean more to you than your thoughts, that your mind has lost its glory and your heart, your precious heart, calls out to you in love (and you choose to respond)?
You are changing and it is as amazing as watching a caterpillar turn to goo, and out of the goo a magnificent butterfly is born. You are fascinating, have you noticed? WE are fascinating, each of us.
As last we have a united cause, and it has nothing to do with changing the economy, the wars of the world, or the madness of politics because we can’t, and so we are turning instead to what can be changed, and is being changed. US.
We are mystified, frustrated, fascinated, unsteady, physically uncomfortable, mentally spent and excited all at the same time. Each moment is a refining moment in you now. Please take notice. Defining moments no longer exist. You may have noticed they don’t hold up for any length of ‘time.’
This, this brand new US is at long last completing the Human Plan as we are consciously woven deeper and deeper into the Divine Plan (a simpler and holy plan), and escorted, if prepared, into the fifth bandwidth of energy, in this year of 2012. Are you prepared?
On 1-01-12 from 10:00 AM-Noon PST, you are invited to go on a journey into the 5th bandwidth of energy with 7 of us.
On this day, those who choose to be present will be deeply prepared to complete the Human Plan and merge into the Divine One.
On this day, 1-01-12, your life is going to shift greatly through a continuous, purposeful, experiential series of activations, transmissions, meditations, and a high frequency sound healing.
On this day, you will be deeply blessed. Your frequency will shift as you enter a new bandwidth of energy. Together we will become One Chalice of Love on behalf of all of humanity and our beloved Mother Earth.
On this day, All will gracefully shift. You will notice.
Please join us, bring your friends and family and please post this on all of your social media. You can retrieve a banner for your site at:
Heaven on Earth only occurs in and through a collective gathering such as this, acting as a singular influence.
Pre-registration is necessary so we may properly prepare a place for you. All details will be found once you click on the link below.