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Christmas 2012 marks the arrival date of Christ Consciousness transforming the minds of all on Earth into a multidimensional consciousness of Divine Freedom. 2012 will bring a magical Christmas where we all awaken to our most magical wishes of a New Earth and a New Man who is manifesting Christ Consciousness within a New Golden Galaxy. The songs contain the magical plan of transformation that Jesus Christ created when he created the Resurrection Formula with Mary Magdalene and the Ascension Portal through the Christ Grids implanted in the Earth through the Cosmic Councils.
We have been given the visionary realities of how the Christ Consciousness has created the Wedding Vows of Eternal Oneness of Heaven and Earth. As Cosmic Consciousness has woven the portal of Christ Light Frequencies through the vortex of angelic rainbow frequencies of ultra violet blue waves transforming our atmosphere and transmutting all into divine atunement that will dazzle us with the crystal light frequencies of Divine Love as we ride through the fiery blasts of our Suns in 2012.

Our Consciousness will be resurrected into a New Eternal Man, keeping THE PROMISE of our Starry Families and Cosmic Angels as they transform the perfect kingdom of heaven into atunement with Earth. Just as the Breath of Source ignited the spark that created man in his image and likeness, so does that same formula apply to man as he breathes the magic of the divine creation into his New World. That breath of transformation will begin as the Inhale of December 11, 2012 , and then as an Exhale on December 21, 2012 and the New Man will awaken on December 25, 2012 to see the bedazzling new reality of our Divine Transformation. By 2013 we will all have Inter Galactic Consciousness that allows us to unite in conversation with all of our starry families. We will meet all of the wonderful beings from Elohim Races, the Pleides and beyond, Aquarius, Arcturians, Sirius, Aquafaria, Lemurians, and thousands of others. We will gain the abilities of instant manifestation and multidimensional consciousness.
By Christmas of 2012 we will be completely in tune with the frequencies of our Cosmic Councils, of Angelic Minds of Creation, our Prana of magical creation and many other magical gifts will wait under our Christmas tree in 2012. We will be met by all of our brotherhood and our creators from Five Starry Races in 2013. We will be invited to ride on their star ships and travel to their magical kingdoms. This EMERALD PLANET will be come the HUB for spaceships traveling throughout our new golden galaxy, as she originally was thousands of years ago.
These magical realities have always been within our Souls. We have been sleeping Avatars waiting to become awakened to their Christic Consciousness of atonement with the one God of the Divine Creation. This reality is the reality Jesus Christ came to restore for us as he created the Christ Grids within and above the Earth that will be activated by our Suns of our Galaxies in 2012. This prophecy has always been known in the Mayan Calendar. They Mayans who gave us that calendar were a Cosmic Council who channeled it to a group of Mayan Indians. The plan was always Cosmic.
Crystalai and aDolphino have both died and returned to Earth. aDolphino was struck by three trucks and five cars on a freeway. Crystalai watched aDolphino return back to his body after taking a long journey through the heavens for several weeks. She watched the Soul of Markus- his higher self fly out of his body as aDolphino's Soul returned into his body. One moment later aDolphino turned to Crystalai and said there are these angels sitting here in the bed with us and telling me to turn to you and thank you for saving my life. They said that they could not do it without you." Crystalai went through an experience when she was poisoned with lethal poison by Government Officials and Greymen (aliens). Her higher self - her starry brother, Zaurak transmutted the power of the Greys and completely restored Crystalai to her body. She remembers seeing the Grey aliens and she remembers her walk through the gates into the plane of Bliss. These same near death experiences and return to life will need to be understood by all on Earth to prepare for our transformation in 2012.
To learn more about the 2012 transformation, go to: cosmicdolphinmagic.com


Crystalai (c) 2011 cosmicdolphinmagic.com
